Look Out Sqyre...

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And when she comes home with a blown fermenter seal... i can shove my chiller coil in for a bit of pain relief... :lol:

Sqyre... :D
Actually... :huh: How did you know she was due today Sean?
I mean its been a bout 9 months since last time you came over for a Bee..jknfawelknflkewndf!!!!!! HANGON A MINUTE!!!! :angry:

Sqyre... :huh:
LOL i dont even know any of u guys and this is probably one of the funniest threads I've read in quite a while! :lol:
Actually... :huh: How did you know she was due today Sean?
I mean its been a bout 9 months since last time you came over for a Bee..jknfawelknflkewndf!!!!!! HANGON A MINUTE!!!! :angry:

Sqyre... :huh:

Can't be his, slippery bald head woulda slipped out by now!
No its cool Screwy, i know its not Incider's...
For starters the ego wouldnt fit no matter how room there is in there..
and secondly it would have burst out of her guts to smile and pose the first time a camera was pointed in Renaes direction.. :p
Thirdly... it would be like throwing a sausage down a hallway.. whats the odds??? :lol:

No its cool Screwy, i know its not Incider's...
For starters the ego wouldnt fit no matter how room there is in there..
and secondly it would have burst out of her guts to smile and pose the first time a camera was pointed in Renaes direction.. :p
Thirdly... it would be like throwing a sausage down a hallway.. whats the odds??? :lol:


Ohh Jeesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Fingers in ears......La La La La La
No its cool Screwy, i know its not Incider's...
For starters the ego wouldnt fit no matter how room there is in there..
and secondly it would have burst out of her guts to smile and pose the first time a camera was pointed in Renaes direction.. :p
Thirdly... it would be like throwing a sausage down a hallway.. whats the odds??? :lol:

And if was to be Inciders....its first word would be ....Goat...
Bitch... :lol: ..... :unsure: :blink: :unsure:
OMG... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the laugh. It actually hurt my belly from laughing so friggin hard. I then had to explain why I was crying to my wife and friends. :unsure: I promise it was the laughter......


OMG... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the laugh. It actually hurt my belly from laughing so friggin hard. I then had to explain why I was crying to my wife and friends. :unsure: I promise it was the laughter......


Nothin worse than a freakin Cryin Drunk, weeeal maybe Sqyres previous comments. Just stopped feeling squeamish, ahhhh!
OMFG you lot are funny. Renae doesn't sound/look happy though Brucey.. :lol:

I think it was the sausage remark that did it. :lol:

Let us know if you survive.......

(and thanks a bloody lot too, now the missus wants to sign up as MRS Domonsura.........isn't it bad enough that she's started playing CSS and TF2.........THE HUMANITY!!! NEXT THING YOU KNOW SHE'LL BE WANTING TO COME INTO THE SHED AND USE THE WELDER!!!!)

You have started something evil........now the girls will be able to gang up on us.......
OMFG you lot are funny. Renae doesn't sound/look happy though Brucey.. :lol:

I think it was the sausage remark that did it. :lol:

Let us know if you survive.......

(and thanks a bloody lot too, now the missus wants to sign up as MRS Domonsura.........isn't it bad enough that she's started playing CSS and TF2.........THE HUMANITY!!! NEXT THING YOU KNOW SHE'LL BE WANTING TO COME INTO THE SHED AND USE THE WELDER!!!!)

You have started something evil........now the girls will be able to gang up on us.......

Go Mrs Dom!
Sounds like stuck sparge Mrs Sqyre!

Mrs InCider needed to have the wort aerated earlier as she is very keen to get this brew kegged as well. FG is due on the 4th Feb Sqyre.

Looking forward to baby Sean/Pat arriving any minute!


Good look Mr and Mrs Sqyre! Hope all goes well. Give us a shout and i will have a beer!