little creatures pale ale

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jayse said:
well i guess ill have to find that out for myself i brought a 1/2 a kilo of the chinook hops to do these beers after reading good things about them.and lcpa taste great which uses them.
Spot on.

Chinook pellets for bittering, and direct imported cascade flowers for flavour/aroma. They have very strict quarentine procedures too. The hopback has to be isolated, hops go in straight from sealed bag, hops come out and are burnt. Quarentine has to inspect it all too!

They actually use a total of 5 malts by the way. Base pale malt, and 4 specialtys.
thanx kook you seem to have inside information their cool.anymore insights???

i just use american cascade plugs in my hop back.(they dont come out burnt though)ived wonder what happens with there hop flowers how did you know that.

i thought i read on their site they use four malts , i also read somewhere they use hallertau. which i thought might be the last boil additions

i figure then they use pale malt,wheat malt,40-60Lcrystal malt,cara pils(or cara munich) and munich malt any ideas anyone or actually do you know.

its easier to try and copy this than snpa which ive never tasted. is it close to that or different? ive been using the snpa recipes and write ups for ideas.iam not exactlly cloning it though i use darker crystal malt, cara aroma which is more like 120L so mine wouldnt even fit in the style, if it were judged that is.

are the lc guys on the could give us hardcore mashers some things to play around with.surely they have popped in here.there aussie brewers after all
I only know what I've picked up from talking to people who've been on tours etc. I really should get down there sometime and go on a tour myself.

The hop flowers dont come out of the hopback burnt by the way. They exit the hopback in a sterile enviroment, then are incinerated(sp?) for quarentine purposes. Hop flowers cannot normally be imported, but due to the strict procedures LC use they have a permit to use them.

The website actually states they use an ale malt high in nitrogen (12%), and 4 specialty malts (torrified wheat, kibbled wheat and two unknown malts).

They use hallertau in rogers according to the website, but not in LCPA as far as I know.

I've never tried SNPA, but talking to people who have, its more amber than LCPA, and has a smoother hop bitterness (probably due to perle being used rather than chinook).
hops come out and are burnt of course stupid me.

anyway i might go the imc traditional pale ale malt then next time and use less crystal malts.torrified wheat, kibbled wheat dont know anything about research project i guess.cant find any technical specs on imc malts anywhere been searching for 1/2 hour might have to email them.possibly could be this malt they use.

ill get perle rhizomes next year.been hanging to use them havent been able to get them.been using northern brewer for bittering with fairly good results but gone of them a bit now.

ive used imc pale ale malt in these beers before but havent got the right balance yet its a good malt to use all by it self. and gives the right colour ,sweetness and body.
not the best head retention so far thats where the wheat comes in.and cara munich or carapils.also has'nt quite got that extra refreshing quality.

next one also i think ill go all hallertau for flavour additions and cascade only in the hop back.chinnook to 45 ibu .what is lcpa ibu???

mines not gunna be a clone most are even better i dont have to answer to lion nathan or CUB one of them owns half their company so their beers are proberly gunna slowly get less and less craft brew like and more commercial.dread the day.but i think it may already be happening.

keep the lcpa thread alive. are you there lcpa guys or what about the mountain goat guys you must have stubbled across these forums???
im still here jayse.just waiting for my secondary to finish to cold condition then will be trying my first partial mash boston cream bag extra cascade hops plus a bit extra in the secondary.reckon it will be even better than an lcpa but then again i am biased towards my own brews.
will be in perth in sept so will venture to lcpa brewery and see what i can come up with.
will also be hunting down as many micro brews as i can find.including mountain goat.

big d
YEAH YOULL LOVE THE GOATS the hightail ale i like even better than lcpa
put together a recipe today its gunna be strong

5.5 kg pale ale malt

1 kg pale malt

220 g munich malt

220 g cara aroma

300 g wheat

FWH 20 g hallertau

28 g chinnook whole boil 55 IBU

20 g hallertau 15 mins

20 g hallertau 10 mins

2 oz cascade 5 - 1 min

mash 69c-70c

hop back cascade plugs sh*t loads

make it up on tuesday might put the second runnings in a different patrial mash brew theresz heaps of grain there its for 20l

looking at getting the torrified and kibbled wheat the torrified is puffed wheat for head retion dont know how much to use
1/2 your luck wanting to full mash one day but i will learn to crawl before i can walk.also i have the large problem of freighting everything here and it can get hefty also if im missing a small ingredient its not like i can pop down to the local hbs and grab it.

big d B)
Big D,

I'm about to start my second real go at the LCPA style using Boston Cream bag and extracts tonight.

600g DME
1.5kg tin of light malt
boston cream bag
35 IBUs of cascade
another 20g late addition of cascade
Safale s33 (I used Thames Valley Wyeast last time and still have some but been having troubles with stuck ferment and thought I would try something different)

The last one I did is going real quick. One day I will get off my skinny white arse and do a partial mash. In the meantime I'm in extract heaven with brews like this one.

I would appreciate your views on your partial mash version and thoughts on how to make it more like LCPA. Let us know.

(Drinking marston's pedigree masterbrew as I type - bloody bewdiful!)
db forget the dm malt ext use the 1.5kg coopers pale lme and i would use 2.75 kg of pale malt 250 grm wheat malt ( mashed) in stead of the b/c cream bag and hop with cascade but find the total ibus you need

jayse i v been told by the monk just use wheat malt (grain) and give a better and rounds the beer of better so im doing with my lawnmower beer

I like your recipee.

Ever thought of leaving the cascade out in the boil and adding it in the secondary.

IMO - adding 2 oz of hops for the last couple of mins is not that value for money use of hops.

Could use less and get more from them in the secondary.

Just throwing out the idea....
jazman do you mean instead of the torrified wheat.thats what ill do this time

i dont want to use too much wheat just around 5% i want it to be crystal clear and found with single infusion mashing the beers dont clear or have a haze with to much wheat even after months of cold conditioning.

with the second runnings (the last 4 litres from the sparge) iam thinking of using a hopped can maybe coopers draught and a oz of cascade on the end.just for some guzzling beer.
Jazman, no doubt you are right and I will cut and paste your idea into my recipes collection because this is a style I love to drink and will experiment with in the future.

For the time being, my main problem is that I am an Extremely Lazy Bastard and cannot be buggered with a partial mash yet. Still a beginner really and trying to get the little things right before I venture out into uncharted waters. If I can make another beer like the last LCPA copy (very similar extract recipe) I will be smiling... :)

An easier variation would be to add some specialty grains to the extracts. Any suggestions?
cara munich mate buy heaps and save you can put it in everything at 200-250g get to know it youll be using it forever and the much darker caraaroma lovely for these beers nowhere the pale color of lc but awesome use one or the other for your first few brews then brew how ever you want.
Off topic a little, but i seriously can not understand what all the hoo-ha about LCPA is. I have drunk quite a bit of it in my time, being a Perth native, but I have to say that for the money that it costs it is an amazingly uninspiriing and over rated beer. Rogers even more so.

Don't get me wrong, it's nothing close to EB or VB, but why anyone would pay more than $15 a six pack for it is beyond me. That being said, fair go to the brewery, it's great to see a WA based business doing so well, it's just that personally I can't understand why everyone raves about the beer they make. I'd much prefer to drink the Guilford Porter stuff, or anything from KK's.

Really, I'm not a grumpy bastard. :rolleyes:

Never tried the 'Guildford porter' - not sure if we can get it over here - and I kind of agree with you concerning the Roger's, but the LCPA is IMO one of Australia's top beers. I don't like paying more than $15 a sixie for it but will do so on special occasions 'cause I think the beer's worth it.

Ah the wonderful world of brewing and subjectivity...


(also not a grumpy bastard :D )
There's no accounting for taste (especially mine) but I love the stuff. I have a single stub every Friday arvo at work, buy the odd six pack for home and occasionally go the brewery for a bite and a beer. I also love the extract version I made from a recipe on grumpys and using one of their masterbrew bags.

Keep meaning to try that Guildford Porter but haven't seen it yet. too much beer at home to drink.

Jayse thanks for the cara munich tip, mate. If i buy a kilo or two, how long will it stay fresh in the frig?
gday deebee
my first partial mash is still not complete( still in secondary ) but went as follows.
mashed 1 kg pale malted grain for 1 1/4 hours in small esky.worked well.
sparged result into brew pot with 2 litres hot water.used s/s mesh strainer.
boiled result for 1 1/2 hour mark added 30 grams cascade pellets and 1.5 kg tin of coopers lme.
at the 50 minute mark added boston cream bag and continued boil as per bag instructions.
couldnt get wyeast 1277 american ale 2 so was recomended wyeast 1968 special london esb by grumpy thomas so will see how it goes.
racked at day 3 and dry hopped 20 grams cascade into secondary.
its still bubbling so will have to wait until finished so can cold condition and bottle a few to try as she goes.
will keep you up dated as time goes by but as an indication the airlock aromas are the grouse.

big d B)
jazman do you mean instead of the torrified wheat.thats what ill do this time

yes jayse thats what it thought mind you im still learning a lot

trying the guilford porter tmorrow my local haverst have it they also sell brewcraft (yuk)

trying soon msb two row lager just one can and maybee using wyeast2206 and dry hop with saaz plugs

the torrified wheat is for head retention which is why i use malted wheat still want to try the difference though.maybe it is cleaner less likely to cause haze i have no idea though.

specking of porter have an empty glass here.
marge beer me.
your not alone with your thoughts on LCPA.i know barmen with no idea about beer that think its absolutly shocking.then theres the craft brewers who go on about it being out of balance (actually the style is meant to be balanced more towards the hops and bitterness anyway)and then theres the brewers who are so 'cool' they will knock it simply because their so 'cool'.i hope thats not you.or is it because the beer giants own half the company you say their beers are not up to scatch and are purely only another aussie beer thats it.
you dont mention much about its complexity just its over rated so because every one likes it your to cool for it.
i have paid twice as much for beer much more uninspiriing.
do you not think it is a complex beer?

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