So I'm tasting metal from my glass by some sort of empathy with other people?And how long do you think the lid spends touching the mouth of the bottle, which is where some people drink their beer from?
I assure you that I have no such thing.
Until you realise that just about every bottle of beer uses the same cap, probably the same supplier even.
Wait a minute, so despite drinking ( im sure ) many many other beers out of bottles, you still think its the bottle caps on one particular type of beer causing some kind of metallic flavour?. And really, the plastic seal would actually be in contact with the bottle, no?
Matilda Bay has been owned by CUB for 12+ years. I don't feel they have been "tainted" in any way.
... or it could be your palate is sensitive to metallic profile. I can pick sour profiles from Lacto infections at 100 paces, give me sulphur and I struggle. Everyone has a sensitivity and a blind spot.
Never got the 'rust' or 'metallic' in the glass, only when drinking from the bottle (375mL). Wipe the mouth of the bottle and taste disappears. Have put it down to beer trapped under the lid, either not being rinsed properly after filling (have heard this discussed by other breweries), or possibly even residual of what ever cleaner they're using post fill.
The LCPA is pretty much my staple, some weeks it's good, some weeks it's not so good. I'm sure the beer has got a lot drier in recent times (last 18 months or so) and as a result has become a lot easier to hammer down, but lost a little malt edge at the same time. Hopping schedule, who knows, I'm sure I've blown my palate with too much Ruination.
Hi Guys,
At the brewery we have been discussing this and are thinking this could be a combination of things - either beer residue not being rinsed adequately around the crown seal, or some sort of complex oxidation reaction with the hops. We don't see this in the product when we release to the market, but obviously from the comments above this is something that various people pick up from time to time (and yep, unsure of product age, how it was handled, stored, etc, before it finally ended up in your fridge at home).
If a complex oxidation reaction with hops, then man - not sure who knows the answer.
But for the other potential issue - at the packaging line we are getting the guys to have a look at the bottle shower ex the crowner - maybe we aren't hitting the bottle in the right spots (or perhaps the rinse water is not drying well enough before it is packed?). This is one thing we are potentially battling with as we do not pasteurise - normally in a tunnel pasteuriser the bottles are in a hot shower for about 30mins so by the time the beer is packed the outside of the bottle is beer free, and the bottles normally dried nicely before labelling and packing. (where-as our bottles aren't pasteurised, and are a bit harder to dry from the beer still being cold). Basically the draught product and the bottle product is the same except for the conditioning (only the CO2 and yeast count spec on draught is slightly different).
Anyhow, just letting you know that these comments are actually acted upon behind the scenes. And for the hop interested - just to clarify - yes, there is variation from year to year with all hops, and every year we have to tweak. The blend for the past couple of years has been pretty similar with a dose of EKG for a portion of the kettle hop (along with Cascade), and Cascade and Galaxy for the hopback (we haven't used Chinook for a couple of years now).
+1 Where on earth has that darned 'Like' button gone? :icon_cheers:Oh look something has been discussed before...
I just want to know why everyone thinks that if a beer starts to taste like an australian macro lager - it might be something to do with POR?
A large proportion, (almost certainly the majority) of them are bittered with pre-isomerised extract, which has had all the hop flavour and aroma components stipped away as part of the manufacturing process and which for the most part, are not made from POR in the first place.
Hate away on the "flavour" all you like - but dont blame POR. Most beers that get drunk in this country have never even been in the same room as a bag of POR hops.
Said well.
I opened this thread to attest that currently, to the absolute best of my knowledge, the only Pride of Ringwood in existence within the Little Creatures stable is a little homebrew packet from Grain and Grape, waiting to be dry-hopped into a cask of dark ale for the weekend handpump at White Rabbit.