Little Creatures Bright Ale

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Hi all,

Sent the wife to the LHBS last week to pick up some ingredients as I was planning on making a James Squires Golden Ale style of beer, however they did not have any Amarillo hops in stock (apparently due to prices going up after a fire in the states?), so they sold her 100gm of Cascade as a substitute. So I am now thinking of making something in between Little Creatures Bright Ale and their Pale Ale, and want to know if I am on the right track with the recipe...

8 litre boil with
1.7kg can Morgans Australian Draught
1kg can Morgans Caramalt
500gm Dried Wheat Malt
15gm Cascade @15 mins
15gm Cascade @5 mins
15gm Cascade dry hopped

Safale US-05 yeast - 14 days in primary and then bottled.

As this will be my first boil (have mainly steeped "tea bags" before this), I am not sure if I have the amounts and boil times right...

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!