Little Creatures Bright Ale Clone Tweaks For Stovetop Mash

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G'day all,

Just having a play with beersmith for today's brew day.

I've had to adjust the recipe as I'm doing a 26lt Batch with a 15lt Boil. I'm fairly confident I've got it near to what it should be, however I thought I'd run it by the genii on these forums.

I also cannot get my greasy little mitts on B Saaz today, so am subbing in regular Saaz with a lower AA rating of 3.5%.

My question is- will this end up like Tony's bright Ale clone? I'm new to this so go easy on me!

26lt Batch
15Lt Boil

3.5KG JWM pilsner
1KG Weyermann Vienna
.3KG Weyermann Carapils
.3KG JWM Wheat Malt
23gm Saaz for 45
23gm Cascade for 45
23gm Saaz for 20
23gm Cascade for 20
25gm Saaz for 0
25gm Cascade for 0


How does this all sound? True to the recipe? Any ideas? Tweaks?

Cheers guys
Im not the best to give advice on formulating recipes but as far as your Saaz hops go, the Saaz and Saaz B are completely different from my understanding, used in different types of beers. All i know is that this is a great recipe when made right so changing the hops would not be ideal, probably wont get you near the same quality beer its meant to be. I have brewed this a few times and read the threads on the recipe and im sure thats where the info is on these two hops, so have a read through before you jump in. Somebody might know of a better substitute than original saaz as well.
Good luck with it anyway.
Bsaaz is also refereed to as motueka. I am not sure on the formulation either but as long as you put the boil volume and the SG of the wort before you boil it then you should be right. Id maybe test SG before you boil and if you need to adjust it from there then do it then. I would not change the 0min additions though as you only get few IBU out of that
I made the same saaz mistake in my first AG attempt. The beer was drinkable...quite yummy in fact, but the cascade dominated (not a bad thing) to such a degree that there wasn't much point using the saaz in the first place. Also it didn't tasted anything like a LCBA.

The biggest thing I would advise is making sure that your IBUs are right. You may need to use more of your hops at 45mins given the %3.5 of saaz....the last Motueka I used were %8.6 or something from memory.

SO: match the IBU, forget about it being a clone and just make a nice beer. As far as an alternative to Motueka...hit google, find something with a similar description (or wait til the more knowledgeable members of the board get here). Even if you just went all cascade it will be nice - and cascade matches with most of the other american citrussy hops.

Good brewing to ye!
Yum, do it.

edit: again the caveat - bear in mind you are making a generic american pale ale type thing, don't expect a LCBA clone.
you can use it but it will be nothing like the original. as for a bittering hop I dont like chinook used it once and was way over powering well it wasnt even a bittering addition only a 30min one.
I used amarillo in place of B-Saaz the first time I did this one, yummy
Yeah, I'm a bit worried the Chinook may overpower it definitely not my kind of beer.

Hops on hand are POR, Perle, Cascade.

Thinking maybe Perle's the go instead of the B Saaz.....
Chinook for 60min is ok....

Saaz is not really suited to an APA ... it's a bit spicey versus the citrus of Cascade.

I would do something like 70% of your IBUs with the Perle @ 45min followed by a whack of cascade at 5min or flameout.

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