Lemon Myrtle Witbier

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Hey Fellas,

Putting down a Wheat beer tommorrow. I just wanted to see if you guys had any input to make it cracking!
Looking at something similar to the Barons Lemon Myrtle Witbier.

I'm thinking

Black Rock Whispering Wheat 1.7kg
Coopers Wheat Liquid Malt 1.5kg
Goldings pellets
Safwheat (K-97)
Lemon Myrtle Leaves

30 minute boil
10gm goldings @30 minutes
10gm goldings @ 5

infuse lemon myrtle 10mins
-lemon myrtle amount??

Im just unsure of how much water to add and how much of the lemon myrtle to use. I have got 12gs which is about 40 leaves.

Anybody tried anythign similar? B)
Ok settled on the following recipe:
1.7kg Black Rock Whispering Wheat
1.5kg Coopers Liquid Wheat Malt
12 Lemon Myrtle Leaves

Boil malt and kit with 5 litres water
10gm East Kent Goldings @ 30min
10gm East Kent Goldings @ 10min
Steep Leaves 10mins. strain and add to wort

Top up to 21litres
Pitch at 20C
OG 1050

Smelt good, especially the lemon myrtle, kinda like lemony green tea!
would love to hear how it comes out, thing with spices is that less is sometimes more and it's easy to over do (i found out the hard way, still have half a batch of spice beer that tastes like liqourish) i'll be at dan's looking out for that witbier, sounds like something special.

i would have used styrian goldings, a bit more to style, Or maybe some tettnang. Mind you i'm a bit of a style natzi and witbiers are ment to be experimental (probably why it's my favourite style, down with the establishment!)

if you decide to do it again i would highly recomend getting yourself a liquid yeast, either 3944 witbier (hoegaarden) or 3463 forbidden fruit (my favourite, the other is more to style tho :p). or you could buy yourself a 4 pack of hoegaarden and try culture the dreggs but i'd hit you if you did.

must ...mix...yeast..into...witbier

was there anything on the label in regards to ingrediants?

Just bottled this last night.
The hyrdometer tests have been tasting very nice, probably took a few extra tests just to be careful :rolleyes:

Final Gravity ended up about 1018-1015

Don't think it will be lasting to long!
Just bottled this last night.
The hyrdometer tests have been tasting very nice, probably took a few extra tests just to be careful :rolleyes:

Final Gravity ended up about 1018-1015

Don't think it will be lasting to long!

Sounds great to me,can taste it on the veranda already :beerbang:
your FG is a little high, 1.010 is what i usually aim for. i'd be carefull with those bottles becoming over carbonated

sounds like it'll be a top beer

Ok settled on the following recipe:
1.7kg Black Rock Whispering Wheat
1.5kg Coopers Liquid Wheat Malt
12 Lemon Myrtle Leaves

Boil malt and kit with 5 litres water
10gm East Kent Goldings @ 30min
10gm East Kent Goldings @ 10min
Steep Leaves 10mins. strain and add to wort

Top up to 21litres
Pitch at 20C
OG 1050

Smelt good, especially the lemon myrtle, kinda like lemony green tea!

Sound like a nice drop, just a question though, how come you boiled the kit?
Sound like a nice drop, just a question though, how come you boiled the kit?

Not to sure why i boiled the kit. Was my first real try at doing a boiling and adding some hops. Cant be to bad ;)

Tried one last night with two weeks in the bottle quite not to much lemon notes coming through but still a good wheat! Might be a treat with a lemon wedge :rolleyes:
If you boil the kit then you are pretty much killing the hop profile of it. If your brew still tastes good then you should try with just some un-hopped malt extract, then you could add all the hops youself, and some grain for an even better brew :super: ;)