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Nah, i didn't say osx has just caught up, just that the menus and options on software that exist for both win n osx are now pretty much the same. Clicking behaviour, folders, files, very damn close to EACH other. Overall picture mate. Btw, if you can run catia v5r19 or v6 on winxp 32 bit, well, you're a bloody champ. There are others too that have made it impossible to run stuff on older versions of windows and is it really worth my time to deal with working around all that! I love my MacBook, but it can't do what I need it to do sometimes. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that unless ur in IT, there aren't too many reasons to put up with Linux. Software makers just don't want to write for ppl who are used to FREE (Linux users). They know their products will get hacked by 100% of the Linux users out there. On the other hand, there are enough windows and Mac users that (are dumb enough in ways) to pay for software. So that goes like that, doesn't it.

seems it works in wine, no need for virtual machine even..... too easy
Hahahahaha, that's funny as. They crippled catia by not letting anything further of r17 work on a 32 bit xp machine, had to get 64 bit xp or up to win7. And you can just run it on wine in Linux. Classic. Good find mate. Maybe I'll give this method a crack with the next release. I daresay software with license server applications will still cause trbl but what the heck. Cheers.
Linux is FREE, but, there is software written that is not free, just like M$

People seem to have this idea that because linux is free, all the software is free... this is not true, it is just that there is a lot of free software for linux..

And M$ software can be hacked just as easy as linux software....visit your local torrent site........

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