Lack Of Gas In Glass Out Of Keg System

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So while we are at it can we solve my problem, my beer tap poors slow.I don't get the full flow out of the diameter of the spout.My beer lines are three meters long, 2 degrees and pressure of around 50kpa.Would shortening the beer line increase flow rate??


You are using way too much line IMO.
I use 3m line on my party keg system and it is a slow pour. Keg is gassed to 100kpa. 3m is ok, in my kegorator I have Celi taps with 1.5m of line and the pour at 100 kpa is fine (flow adjuster) I would shorten the line before I would increase the pressure I would think that over time your keg would become over gassed at pressures higher than 100-120 kpa.

Shawn :)
That's why you set your temperature, then work out what pressure in the keg is needed for the desired carbonation level at that temperature, then work out what line length you need to ensure the beer doesn't come out too fast, and the lines aren't so long that gas will come out of solution in the lines.

In that order.
That's why you set your temperature, then work out what pressure in the keg is needed for the desired carbonation level at that temperature, then work out what line length you need to ensure the beer doesn't come out too fast, and the lines aren't so long that gas will come out of solution in the lines.

In that order.

The length of the line has nothing to do with gas coming out of dilution. If you have gas coming out of dilution in the line the pressure is either too low or the beer is gassed higher than the current pouring pressure.
In my kegerator I use 3m line at around 12psi, set at 4C.

4 deg c Nick? & I have had my wrist smacked for having the fridge at 6 deg c (But now at 7deg c/95Kpa which seems to equate to a little below 2.4 volumes). ;)
We both must consider letting the majority of our beers warm up a little before consuming to really appreciate the complexity? The alternative is adding dual regulators, gas manifolds, etc to the kegorator which means more $$$'s spent. :(

Just got more beer line from one of the sponsers above (No affilliation, etc, blah, blah :p) & still have to work out the ideal line length for my Broncos at 7 deg c.
After the first trial run this arvo using 2.5 metres (Scrap lenghts connected with 3 JG straight connectors) the pour was better than before but still too short. Next trial = 3.5 metres. Will keep you updated.

4 deg c Nick? & I have had my wrist smacked for having the fridge at 6 deg c (But now at 7deg c/95Kpa which seems to equate to a little below 2.4 volumes). ;)
We both must consider letting the majority of our beers warm up a little before consuming to really appreciate the complexity? The alternative is adding dual regulators, gas manifolds, etc to the kegorator which means more $$$'s spent. :(

Just got more beer line from one of the sponsers above (No affilliation, etc, blah, blah :p) & still have to work out the ideal line length for my Broncos at 7 deg c.
After the first trial run this arvo using 2.5 metres (Scrap lenghts connected with 3 JG straight connectors) the pour was better than before but still too short. Next trial = 3.5 metres. Will keep you updated.


Pete, 7 deg seems awful warm, i have mine set to 4 deg and seems really nice, i know warmer lets different flavors come through but i found 7 deg too warm, its okay for a couple of minutes but on a day like today,40 deg the glass warms up too quick, maybe i will have to drink quicker, what do other guys set their fridges on.

pressure sounds a bit low, depending on length of hose ,etc etc,there is a balancing your keg system article somewhere on here, i think by crozdog if i remember, try a search , or try 100 kp if you want to try that first but better off finding the balance your system article.

Hi all,

as this still kind of fits in with the op.

I've been looking for the last few nights... and can't find it!... can anyone find the link to "how to balance your [keg] system" article that many threads refer to?

Hi all,

as this still kind of fits in with the op.

I've been looking for the last few nights... and can't find it!... can anyone find the link to "how to balance your [keg] system" article that many threads refer to?


Here it is.

etc, etc,

what do other guys set their fridges on.



I set my fridgemate serving fridge on 7 degrees, only because the old clunker seems
to be on all the time when set to 6. (It has to get down to 5 before turning off).

Set at 7, the fridge is not working so hard, and my overpriced, rip-off, privatised electrical supplier is not getting as much money out of me.

Can't really say, taste wise, that 7 is much warmer than 6 when quaffing. :icon_cheers:

Thanks Jerry - very interesting.

Fergi has old mate sorted his head issues yet? Looks like you've been brewing a lot longer than me - but - I have a very similar issue.... following reading the link Jerry put up for me - I'm off to buy some beer line! I run at about 3*, 60kpa but only a meter of line at most. I'd rather run 2* @ 100kpa... table says 1.4m but I'll start with 3m and work my way down I think 'cause with what I've got [at 100kpa] it gushes out! I only mention all this as I wonder if your mate's pour rate is too fast to? Does it pour with a big head which quickly disapears, or are they just flat?

Thanks Jerry - very interesting.

Fergi has old mate sorted his head issues yet? Looks like you've been brewing a lot longer than me - but - I have a very similar issue.... following reading the link Jerry put up for me - I'm off to buy some beer line! I run at about 3*, 60kpa but only a meter of line at most. I'd rather run 2* @ 100kpa... table says 1.4m but I'll start with 3m and work my way down I think 'cause with what I've got [at 100kpa] it gushes out! I only mention all this as I wonder if your mate's pour rate is too fast to? Does it pour with a big head which quickly disapears, or are they just flat?


yes hendo its sorted, his biggest mistake was he kept changing pressures and changing fridge temps, so his carbonation was all over the place, i measured his system up using crozdogs formula and now its all fine, i had to threaten him though not to touch the gas pressure or temp .i think thats the biggest mistake new keggers do, they love to fiddle with the knobs, i was the same ,