Kit Can Use By Dates

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Hi all, really great example of a stupid question.... here goes.....

After getting my brewing gear back out of the garage I found that I had two cans of Malt Shovel Pale Ale 1.7kg beer kits. The initial excitement of finding them soon had me scratching my head as the use by date on the bottom of the cans is 21/07/05. Now with almost any food type product that we'd eat it would be straight in the bin but I'm unsure about this because seems that it may be the kind of thing that just wouldn't go off and the dates are there because they have to be. My question being SHOULD I MAKE THIS BREW OR NOT :D
Go ahead and make the brew by all means, but be aware that the cans of extract are best used straight after production - as soon as possible really. They tend to lose flavour after too long in the can, but I wouldn't consider it too much of an issue to be honest, especially if you're going to be adding malt and hops to it anyway.
I've got 2 of them so I was just going to use both cans to make up the 23 litres (11.5 per can) adding nothing extra, perhaps with the exception of using safale yeast.
Interesting... does this work? Keen to know, too.
these particular kits claim that you just put it in and add nothing else, and say if you want to make a 23ltr wort to use 2 cans, so can't hurt to give it a go i guess. just hope i dont get poisoned because of the use by date lol
you'll get more of a tinny extract tang, but there shouldn't be any real problems using them still.

might want to do up a mini boil and add in a few extra hops for bitterness and flavour if you can be bothered. guess its all up to you.
Malt will darken a bit.

Not that I'm an expert on this, but I did a couple of MS ales with different dates. The older one was much darker than the earlier one.

Mike :beer:
Malt will darken a bit.

Not that I'm an expert on this, but I did a couple of MS ales with different dates. The older one was much darker than the earlier one.

Mike :beer:
I have just done an out of date kit and it turned out well.
I think the stamp on the can means less than a clean barrel and proper fermentation temp.
I have just done an out of date kit and it turned out well.
I think the stamp on the can means less than a clean barrel and proper fermentation temp.
youve forked out the cash for the tins, you may as well use them. If they turn out tasting average then youve got beer you can give to freeloaders when they turn up. If it tastes good then your laughing. toucan brews might be the way to go so you dont have to fork out any more $ on more ingredients.
Just bottled a coopers lager that was 3 years out of date. Made it up with brew enhancer 1 and some organic honey. Threw in the supplied yeast and away it went!

Tastes pretty good out of the fermenter so will probably get better over the next few weeks.

Got the brew when I scored an unused coopers micro-brewery kit off of Ebay - $30!!!! :blink:
well i'm convinced, as soon as one of my two fermenters is free in it goes :). will just add safale yeast and will report on this thread how it is in a month or two.
well the news is not good for this one unfortunately. after racking a beer for cold conditioning i decided to do the pale ale. cleaned and sterilized everything and boiled up a pot of water only to open the cans and find corrosion/slight rust around the insides of the 2 cans. in the bin they went. not really disappointed, and seeing i cleaned everything already it made way for me to brew up my first extract beer that i was planning to do mid next week :)
I used a muntons amber ale it that was 1 yr out of date. I used a safale yeast with it and somehow tastes like it has apples in it and is also quite dark. Darker than a normal amber ale. Wierd. the beer is drinkable however Ive made a few other batches and I cannot see he point of drinking a beer that taste's ok when I have nice beer right next to it.

Give it a go though as it may come out ok.

Good luck
Hi all, really great example of a stupid question.... here goes.....

After getting my brewing gear back out of the garage I found that I had two cans of Malt Shovel Pale Ale 1.7kg beer kits. The initial excitement of finding them soon had me scratching my head as the use by date on the bottom of the cans is 21/07/05. Now with almost any food type product that we'd eat it would be straight in the bin but I'm unsure about this because seems that it may be the kind of thing that just wouldn't go off and the dates are there because they have to be. My question being SHOULD I MAKE THIS BREW OR NOT :D

The Used by date is mainly to do with the yeast.

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