Hi BrewDaddy and welcome to the forum.
My understanding is Liquid malts contain approximately 20% water, varies with manufacturer. The figure I used is slightly different. If you put 3kg of DME in 23 litre gives OG 1.049, 3.75kg LME gives OG 1.050 however I would expect the calculated FG to be the same. So something is slightly amiss with the FG formula and I suspect the true answer lies somewhere between the two.
I only produced the spreadsheet for my learning experience and to help other Kit & Extract brewers (which I no longer do) and hopefully gain rewards from others giving of their experiences.
Ian, just fantastic work on that spreadsheet, i've learned so much in only two weeks, the ability to instantly see what changes various ingredients make to IBU, gravity/ABV etc is brilliant.I only produced the spreadsheet for my learning experience and to help other Kit & Extract brewers (which I no longer do) and hopefully gain rewards from others giving of their experiences.
Ian, just fantastic work on that spreadsheet, i've learned so much in only two weeks, the ability to instantly see what changes various ingredients make to IBU, gravity/ABV etc is brilliant.
Just curious on one thing, i'm looking to brew the "Coopers Irish Ale" from their website, which uses a Coopers Draught kit can, their "Brew Enhancer 1" and 300gm of golden syrup. Given the BE1 is 600gm dex, 400gm maltodex, that's 3 "ADJ"'s I need to enter on the spreadsheet, which I can't work out how to do. Is there a way to increase the number of rows for ADJ's?
Hi Thylacoleo
The spreadsheet IBU values are for pellets (my BIAB spreadsheet gives you the option, had to check). An alternative to fiddling with the HCF is just add another hop to the hop list for the flowers. Flowers require about 10% more than pellets.
I use this Link for my hop info, if you go to Norm Pyle's Hops FAQ there section on different hop products.
Thanks Ian.
I've adjusted the %AA levels in the hop list, to reflect the levels for the specific harvest I was able to buy (as the %AA changes from year to year). If adding another hop to list for the flowers, would subtracting 10% from the %AA stated on the packaging have the same effect?
'Cos I'm not hugely confident with Excel, hops or the maths involved there, maybe the best thing for me to do would be to enter the quantity of hops to hit my target IBU for the recipe, then add 10% extra to the mass when I make the recipe?
Thanks again for the help,
Hi all (mostly Ian),
I'm a little confused when it comes to hop utilisation. It's very clear that the gravity of the wort affects the utilisation. What is not at all clear is if the volume of wort (given the same gravity) has an affect, i.e. does a 5 L boil with SG=1.040 give the same result as a 10 L boil with SG=1.040? I guess my real question is, does the HCF account for different boil volumes all with SG=1.040 or does it account for different gravities for if you do a boil with all the malt?
PS. Sorry if this has come up a million times but I can't seem to find anything using the search function and I'm not manually searching through 24 pages of comments
Weight - 1.7kg, Colour - 90EBC, Bitterness - 340IBU, Aroma Hop - European Blend Top Note "
Where does all the info come from on the IBU and EBC of the kits? I can't see Coopers European Lager in the sheet, so figured i'd add it, but can't seem to find the info regarding this kit online. Do you need to ask them via email?