Killing Beer Softly

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Paul H

Well-Known Member
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Just received my trusty Babbs newsletter this morning upon where I stumbled across an article by Matt Kirkegaard (Aust Beer News 14 Feb 2011) about the demise of the Platform Bar at the Grand Central Hotel. Matts' article pulls no punches in respect to the big two refusing to allow the market forces determine the success or failure of the microbrewing industry & raises the issue of tap contracts.
Generally I advocate allowing market forces determine the success or failure of business without government interference however, in this case it appears that tap contracts prevent the market from having an opportunity to evaluate craftbrewing.

It would seem particularly in Qld to be that the craftbrewing industry would see greater assistance, recognition & support if they arrived on our shores in a leaky boat with a broken engine.

Surely within the the reach of this forum there is someone who has experience or knows something about how these contracts work, their value & their validity in terms of not restricting trade.


Im not disagreeing with you, the big two do deals with pubs where they supply new beer dispense systems (figure on $1500-&2000 per tap) in exchange they get to have only their beer (or a mix of their and other product) sold on those taps.
In a way I can see their point as they paid for the taps they have every right to profit from them.
At some point either the Micros or the Pubs have to decide to bite the bullet and invest in independent taps where as you say the market can decide.
My local did a deal with Coopers to put 6 taps in so I get 3 Coopers products on offer Red, Green and a floater (usually the light) the other three taps are Tooheys, XXX (piss weak version) and Murrays Whale Ale.
Times are changing, hopefully more pubs will start thinking outside the box and will opt for independent taps and will offer a range of more interesting beer.
like the days of brewery owned hotels..all you could get was there product only..least its little more liberal these days..
like the days of brewery owned hotels..all you could get was there product only..least its little more liberal these days..

Not much, sadly. Looks like the days of 12 tap fonts only pouring industrial lagers are here to stay.
While more and more young men switch to spirits and alcopops - and cider as well if the media reports are to be believed.
Maybe the last man standing will look a bit like:

The problem is that here in Qld, especially Brisbane - we are told that we are a world city and a city with 2m people should be.

However, some of the "glorified country town" aspect remain - and unfortunately they aren't the good bits. We get the nasty bits like go slow traffic, being penalised for using a car within 5km of the CBD, etc of being a "real city".

However, we still have to put up with cowboy mentality whereby poorer choice, than say Melbourne or Sydney, stupid education curriculum (I have a kiddlie in Yr 1 - it's truly crap, I've taught her more with not much effort in far less time), and anti-competitive behaviours in most food and fuel areas driving higher costs of living (via expensive food and supermarkets aggressively putting smaller operators out of business - surprise surprise, they own all the bottle-o's as well).

It used to be a really cheap, good place to live, and now I wonder whether we'd be better in another city. I have a feeling that the exodus out of here will be driven by all these and other factors.

Hence the reason why Brisbane, per head of population, has less micro, craft and non-LNN/FGL breweries than anywhere else in the country. Doesn't help that brewed under licence beer at Yatala gives us "euro" beers at "import" prices, brewed down the road, and less in quality.

This is a symptom of a wider range of issues.

Article should be "killing Brisbane softly - the death of a great city"


Hmmm, I'm sure i've seen InCider in an outfit not dissimilar.

Sad to say that whatever competition regulation is put in the way of certain businesses, they will find a way to circumvent it. A significant relaxing of duty on small guys is what people have been pushing for for years.

I haven't the time to outline the argument and the comparision of conditions between the wine and beer industry in relation to excise, nor the difference between different countries, but yes, we're in the Dark Ages sadly.

Everyone who cares should at least sign this ... it's a start at least.

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