Keg storage in summer

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Hi all,

I'm a newbie to jogging and want to know what the limits are in terms of temperature for keg storage for both naturally carbed brews and force carbed brews (if there's a difference?)

I only have room for 2 kegs in my fridge, and want to naturally carb a few kegs and age them in-refrigerated to down in the summer ( have an experimental copy of monteiths summer ale down at the moment)

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

Cheers !

Ok- just to clarify- there's no way I jog- it froths the beer in my stomach! I meant kegging- damn Apple Typos!!!
And I also meant un-refrigerated - sorry.
If it was a choice of the two I would go the natural carb, for the reason as it will be basically the same as bottle conditioning. Bottle conditioning has better stability due to lower oxygen levels. The yeast reduce more o2 (although minimal) when fermenting the priming sugar, also I believe when you use bottled Co2 it isn't pure Co2 and does contain small amounts of O2, you can buy pure CO2 but its 5 times the price. O2 or DO (dissolved oxygen) levels play a very important role in beer storage and can be responsible of numerous flavour changes such as diacetyle. Natural Carb will have more sediment in the keg so the first pour will probable be a bit yeasty.
Temperature obviously plays one of the biggest roles too and being you have a summer ale, which will display faults sooner due to the delicate flavour profile, you definitely want to drink it ASAP though.
Thanks BeerGod!

I dont't think the summer ale will last long regardless ;-)

Don't want to be the one to say it, but get enough fridge space for all the kegs you want to use. It makes life a lot easier.
Ok- have spoken to the minister for war, finance and social occasions... She has approved the purchase of a new freezer to hold 6 kegs!!! YAY!!!!

Temp controller unit already ordered!!!!

CATCH: have to build a deck first :-(.

.....Beer doesn't negotiate with me like that !!

Thanks all.