Keg Fridge Setup

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Hi All,

I am currently awaiting my kegs and parts to setup my first Keg Fridge. I have been given a Kelvinator N410F Fridge and was wondering if anybody else has convertered one of these to a keg fridge? I will be installing the taps on the front door and then the gas line on the side.

I have had a look in the fridge and it looks like the light is on the side I want to install the gas line. Will I have any issues here?

As for the taps is it best to secure them to a peice of PVC pipe that is slid over the shank of the tap?

Any tips/help on the setup of a Keg Fridge would be greatly appreciated. My biggest concern is hitting any wires/pipes while drilling.

Thanks again.


can you sneak the gas in via any drain hole or wiring hole etc at the back ?

drilling in you might hit gas on the side...

but if you drill many say to drill just into the metal then slowly dig through any insulation with a blunt screwdriver and make sure no pipes are in the way