Keezer options

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western australia
Hi fellow brewers,my good old $50 Gumtree bargain freezer has finally packed it in on my keezer. I currently have a coffin type keezer that I made with a lot of inspiration from Earle's posts on here. The good wife has bought me a new bigger freezer and I'm trying to decide whether to build another coffin type or just put a collar on it with my taps out of it. Any opinions or pros and come would be great
Not sure on the coffin have seen it but cant remember it :chug:

Brand new freezer (white) with a nice jarrah collar cant go wrong
It's all really a matter of personal taste...

My favourites are the wood collars on chalkboard paint. I'm not personally a fan of the coffin ones, but if that's what you like - go for it!
The only thing - I've heard taps on top make it harder to work in the keezer, getting kegs in & out. Nothing you can't work around, but just a little more difficult.
I don't think the coffin top makes it harder to work in the keezer. It's the collar that is the biggest issue.

Having said that I went with a coffin top for two reasons - it's what got approval from my better half for being in the house, and the height of the taps is handy for keeping them away from little hands that don't always follow instructions.

If I had to build again I would seriously consider going with just a schmick looking collar setup. Just for the simplicity and ease of build. A lot of work went into my coffin top setup.

On the other hand it looks pretty good IMO


I know what you mean about lots for work Earle, this is my current keezer, (not as good as yours) it did take a bit to build and was a great project. My new freezer is bigger so it means a rebuild and just can't decide which way to go.


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