July theme meet: America 16/7

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Figured I would get this started sooner rather than later, next month sees America's Independence Day (4/7), so we have decided to have an American themed meet for July.
So get your hop on; APA, IPA, Steam Beer, any style with 'American' in front of it (stout, amber, barleywine etc) and lots more.
Don't forget about food; Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Pumpkin, Peanut Butter and all else that screams America.

There has been an offer to host put out, but I will double check just in case it wasn't the beers talking... you know how it gets ;)

'American' isn't a restriction, feel free to bring your other creations, but think of it as a chance to finally get around to that American beer that you have been meaning to get to, or to move a little out of your comfort zone and try a style you usually don't brew.

I will start a different thread for future theme meets so we have a chance to get a brew ready for the day.
This sounds great, looking forward to it!
Just over 2 weeks away, I think I may have a very green beer if I get it on this weekend....

Anyway, Mikeyr is going to be hosting this one.
Away on a cruise over that period. Lucky me. Already sussing out the micro in Noumea. Grainstore have a july 4th bash with a massive tap takeover next week. Will cost you an arm and a leg though. Mind you bottleshop prices are ridiculous at the moment, would be interesting to see how much is actually excise which wouldn't be hard to do. Thank god for home brewing. Tried an oskar blues imperial ipa gubna(?) 10%ABV, 100IBU last week. Was dated but still one of the better IPAs I've had since I tried dogfish 3-4 years ago. Only mildly stripped my taste buds compared to other IPAs, especially the imperials and doubles.

Anyone who flaunts a Donald trump hat, please deal with them accordingly. Have fun!
I am organising a few commercial samples to taste along side ours for this meet. hopfully i will be able to get a good range of styles so we can further appreciate what American style beer is.

I will cover this lot as my contribution to 'food', but i would like to talk about having a kitty to cover some commercial beers for our theme meets, possibly the main bulk of the food, and any operating expenses that may come up.

gone brewing

n87 - Beer ;) (commercial samples)
Just a bump on this.
What is everyone brewing? I currently have a pale ale fermenting hopped with Fortnight. it will be a bit green at the meet tho.

gone brewing

n87 - Beer ;) (commercial samples)
Lad's I think i promised some pulled pork, so that's what you're getting! Put me down for sliders. Beer wise, I have one keg of APA and a steam beer which will be on tap, have one in the fermenter now but looks like that might also be a little "green" .... or a lot actually, as the bloody m44 was slow to kick in again! My version of a Monterey Street Pale. IPA keg blew so no time to restock that, damn it i need to get more brews on!

I might also "find" a couple of commercials to try.
What can I bring food-wise? Rolls and some coleslaw?

Beer-wise I have a Simcoe APA and a Dr Smurtos Golden Ale done with mosaic. Also a brown ale done with cascade and mosaic that we had a few meetings ago.
Conditioning an Aussie/kiwi lager, got a dry hopped pale ale variant up next. Using moteaku flowers to dry hop.

Oktoberfest beers I will put down soon include a Munich helles and black.forest schwarzbier.

Couldn't make this meet so no Yankee beers from me and fermented was tied up anyway, bad planning.

I am actually chilling on the yeast cake for 3 weeks plus the 3 week initial ferment. Mixed messages about this practice but good to experiment anyway.

Enjoy the meeting
I'm out for this weekend. Monday is too important of a day at work.

(I only have German lagers at the moment, not very American!)
Last night, on the way to Foghorn, I picked up a little brown paper bag from Oldfield. In the fridge ready for the weekend.

Updating lists:

gone brewing
Website (1)

n87 - Beer ;) (commercial samples)
Mikeyr - Pulled Pork Sliders
Updating lists:

gone brewing
Website (1)

n87 - Beer ;) (commercial samples)
Mikeyr - Pulled Pork Sliders
gone brewing - rolls & coleslaw
I will be doing the normal write up, but though I would put this up so people can think on it.

There was only one matter of business, the question of a fee to cover the food, beer etc.
The general consensus is that people are happy to throw in.

running some numbers I come up with the average of about $8 per person across a year.
So the question is, do we leave it at $8, or round it out to $10 to bolster the kitty (possible extravagant Christmas meet?)

We would also be in the need of an official purse string holder

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