"jelly" Like Crap In Fermenter

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Brewed a 50% Wheat/ 50% Pils lo grav (OG 1.037) beer. Mash was a 40/50/60/70/76 step mash. no chilled, pitched WB-06 and fermented 11 days to 1.006 @18*C ramping to 24*C for last 3 days. Went to bottle tonight and last ~4L was locked into a jelly. In fact I think this jelly was floating, it is opaque, pale wheat beer coloured and has texture like that really soft tofu. Pic attached. Any ideas?

What was your boil like? How long and a rolling boil?

this was using a Braumeister and was a sad little boil - 90 minutes 'cos of the Pilsner malt but barely bubbling :( is there something in that?
mmm, gooey.

It's not just a good heavy top crop of yeast, is it?

It does look very gooey though.
The yeast is through it but quite distinctly white and almost paintlike. This **** is opaque beer jelly.

Did you taste it?

I would have.

Did you taste it?

I would have.
ROFL .. my brew bitch did the tasting but i refused. He spat it out double quick, but later had some without yeast and tried to convince me it tasted good ... so in the end not sure if he was BS or not
Mother of vinegar is suppossed to look like that.

Just saying....
Looks like a little bit of runny bum, sure no one backed up to your fermentor? :beerbang:
Didnt gelatine this batch in a drunken midnight moment of ingenuity?

+1 for backing up to the fermenter. Well, not backing up to it, but it sure does look remarkably like the morning after a big night out dunny bowl deposit.
I'd rack it out from under the yeast cake and then leave it for another week. Have not used this yeast but I find that 1469 does not like to drop and can look pretty suss, this could be similar(hopefully). Taste it again after a week and see..
I'd rack it out from under the yeast cake and then leave it for another week. Have not used this yeast but I find that 1469 does not like to drop and can look pretty suss, this could be similar(hopefully). Taste it again after a week and see..

You in the right thread dude?
Sadly I think you have a symbiotic colony of Yeast and Lactobacillus, this is related to the old fashioned Ginger Beer Bug and that strange Kombucha Tea and a bunch of other cultured beverages like Kavas, Tibicos and Kumis.
These beverages are made around the world because these type of colonies form spontaneously and some of them taste good, as well as having the ability to ferment some very interesting materials like mares milk (pass), but people will make alcohol out of whatever is available.
Whether it tastes good or not is in the lap of the gods. Whether or not you use that fermenter again is up to you but this type of infection can be very persistent and very difficult to eradicate, the fact that you have such a Healthy bug would indicate that you had a pretty well established lacto infection already.