Brew day was yesterday and I was able to hit my numbers of 20Lts @ 1.068 into the FV. When I milled my grain at the LHBS he happened to have Northern Brewer hops @ 9% AA so I bought 100g of those and was able to follow the recipe. ( not sure what to do with 100g of 4.5%AA Northern Brewer hops though :huh: )
The recipe called for 56g Cascade at flameout and I had 70g left from the vac sealed bag so they all went into the whirlpool.
Fermentation looked like it kicked off this morning when I was heading to work.
Here are some photo's:
Brewing sheet, Mash Hops and Brewing Salts
Mash Hops thrown on top of mash not stirred in.
Mash hops 25mins later all swelled up. I stirred them in and checked the mash temp.
Massive pungent Northern Brewer aroma that held throughout the mash, normally its that malty/mash aroma but today it was spicy hops
Fly sparge at the start
Fly sparge mid way
End of Fly sparge - nice 1 inch water layer and compact grain bed
Boil additions - NB 60m, NB 15m, Cascade 10m, Yeast Nutrient 5m, Whirlfloc 5m