James Squire Pilsener Clone, Hop Choice?

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I have some pilsener, munich and melanoidn grain ready to go for my crack of a James Squire Pils recipe.
I have decided to go with Northern Brewer hops for bittering (don't like POR) and Saaz B for my finishing hops.

I will be using a Brewcraft European Lager dried yeast (good clean yeast I think) Cold fermentation @ 10deg

What do you think? any other suggestions for hops?
I suggest Saaz B for bittering, finish with traditional Saaz
I would perhaps use Saaz B all the way, but no worries with N.Brewer its a pretty good all purpose hop.
Be carefull with the melanoidan, apart from the malt character it will add a definite red hue to your beer, not really the colour you strive for in a pIlsener, perhaps, if you want that big malt backbone adjust your mash regime or even for preference do a decoction.

Should I leave the melanoiden out completely ?
A light copper hued "pilsener"
Looks more like a Resch's than a Squires Pilsener, but I am sure it will be a great beer...
I like melanoidin. As much as I don't think its at all necessary for a clone of James Squire Pils, it wouldn't hurt to have a small amount in a pilsner recipe. I reckon keep it to around 1-2% though. I'm always surprised how little of it you need.

As for the hops... My bet is they use POR or Super Pride to bitter, B Saaz mid way through the boil and Czech Saaz late in the boil. If I were you I'd use the NB to bitter and then 1g/L at 20mins and another g/L at 5mins. That's always a good way to hop a pilsner IMO.
I will be using a Brewcraft European Lager dried yeast (good clean yeast I think) Cold fermentation @ 10deg

I recently used this yeast and tried to ferment it at 10C and got no action for 3-4 days, Eventually i had to increase the temp to 12C to get it going. I suggest starting out at 12 to minimise lag time
I recently used this yeast and tried to ferment it at 10C and got no action for 3-4 days, Eventually i had to increase the temp to 12C to get it going. I suggest starting out at 12 to minimise lag time

Possibly 34/70 then? All of the other lager yeasts should be fine at 10C (34/70 should be as well, I have fermented at 8c with it, though they recommend min of 12C).
I bought a JS Pils the other day and for what its worth I reckon it would be better without the Munich. I'd stick with Pilsner/Galaxy all the way. NB and Sazz B works a treat. Also the 189 Swiss yeast is hard to beat.

I recently used this yeast and tried to ferment it at 10C and got no action for 3-4 days, Eventually i had to increase the temp to 12C to get it going. I suggest starting out at 12 to minimise lag time

My experiences have been very good ones with this yeast. I pitch at room temp then chuck the fermenter into my brew fridge @ 10 deg. My brews have always fermented out nicely in around 7 days with this yeast @ 10 deg.

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