Isb Next Meet-dec 06

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Whats the go for the next ISB meet, are we going to Trevs?
If so when?
Not sure. Trev? How about it?

Probably want to have it around everyone's hectic Xmas schedule, perhaps the weekend of the 15th is the go, or even the 1st?
Here's my $0.02

I prefer earlier in the month as it gets crazier as it goes on.

Happy to go to Trev's, but want to offer my place in Croydon Park if that suits all.

Do we want to do another brewday?? :party: :beerbang: OK I'm just looking for an excuse to get the mother of all kettles going

Brewday's good, perhaps something to suit the hotter conditions, ie. Hefeweizen? If that 120L kettle can be fired up with 2 or 3 mashtuns, we could do a whole bag of grain and a bit more, would be a good way to get rid of all those extra hops!

You could use the 80L kettle with NASA as a HLT!

Now i'm dreaming :chug: :beer:

sounds like the start of something good to me B) . my only concern is moving large quantities of hot liquid around the place safely - particularly as the big kettle is 180L & :eek: my normal one is 100L :) Anyone got a pump we can borrow?

The other thought I had was to make a couple of strength beers ie heavy with 1st runnings & light with 2nd. just a thought, but I'd really like to do a BIG brew....but prolly prefer something other than heffe..... a summer/golden ale would be noice.
Bugger me, 180L! That'll take 2 bags!

A pump would definitely help, siphoning by hand with the hose wasn't much fun last time!

A first/second runnings batch could be cool, parti-gyle style, if we managed to fill both kettles that would be 280L, would the 180L be the strong one or would the 100?

I think we need a few more brewers to help out with such a mammoth task though, we'd be getting a good 14 cubes out of that full-sized plan. :beerbang:
Wow. Sounds like a monster plan. 180L of golden ale and 100L of IIPA? Got to get rid of the hop mountain somehow you know. :rolleyes:
Geez, at this rate Gerard will be giving us a discount just for the ingredients for a brewday.... maybe we should ask Gerard along....

one of those zip instant boil units would be handy. Anyone got access to one?
how do you join this club?
i'd like to come along and help out. haven't got much in the way of pumps or urns or anything i'm afraid.
More than welcome, Corin. Especially if you bring along more of your great beers. :super:
Trevs , Philips, where ever , whenever, just not the 17th i have something else on .....
id prefer earlier as well. ill try to get to the next one
actually how did my beers go down last time? do i have to bring anything other than beer???
Still sitting in the fridge, since we already drank too much before you popped in!

We'll get the situation organised and work out who brings what, last time we just expected everyone to bring a couple of pieces of equipment, then Philip turned up with more than he could fit in his car (and it's a big car too)!
great to see ISB attracting new "members" , each meet has seen a new face or two ... this thing could get huge !!!

although im voting for a name change to something like Inner Sydney and Southern Brewers... ISSB

or maybe even just " Sydney Brewers " as it seems we are getting guys from all over rather than just "inner areas"
early dec is good. i can bring a pump, 50l boiler / hlt & gas burner and/or my electric hlt. perhaps my mashtun too! might need to get a longer tubing thou ... not sure i could fit all in the car thou ...
I'm in. I can bring a 15l electric urn to supplement. It is not that big but it heats up very quickly where you need some instant hot water.

Sun 10th Dec, or 16-18th Dec is good for me.
Great that you can bring a pump, redbeard. It'll make the day just a touch less dangerous. :lol:

We have been working on the recipes. So far a parti-gyle split between an AIPA and a golden ale seems like the go, using some of the bulk buy hops. Once it seems more or less ready, I'll post the recipe in the recipe section and everyone can make suggestions.

I think since it's at Philip's house, he's got the major say in dates, and hopefully he'll be posting a poll on that later.

EB, all pieces of equipment are welcome. Once the recipe is organised, I'll try to work out what equipment we need and email a spreadsheet that everyone can add to. The second time for the brew day there should be fewer surprises. :rolleyes:
I think we are only going to do 80L per batch (sorry Philip) to make it easy, but depending on final turnout we can scale up the recipes to satisfy everyone's craving for cubes.

Looking at the recipes now it looks like we will need about a bag and a half of grain! Luckily everyone has lots and lots of hops from the bulk buy so we are all sorted there. Still, looks like about 600g of hops will be used on the day! :beerbang: