Looking for a good Irish red recipe similar to Kilkenny style
Some of the recipe's I have found use crystal malt for the colour, other use caramunich and chocolate, what sort of IBU's am I looking for?
A small amount of roasted barley makes a nice red tint and gives the characteristic roasted flavour. Some pale crystal for body and about 40-50% of your OG in IBUs. Yeast choice is important. I made my one attempt so far with WLP007 (dry English Ale) and was disappointed with the result. I will go for a WLP004 Irish Ale or WLP005 British Ale next.
Hi all
Here is an Irish Red I made a while back, from memory it was very nice. http://www.beertools.com/html/recipe.php?view=3641
Might run it through beertools again as I think it is a little too bitter to style
Ray, your recipe looks a lot like the one I did, except I subbed some of the crystal for 100g of melanoidin from memory (and 50% of the fermentables were DME).