OK heres the deal on the Idoform. 2 executive decisions were made on the brew day.
The first decision, as we watched Roger Mellie trying to siphon the stuff out of the drum (this stuff is thick), then switch to a tap, resulting in stains that I bet are still on his hands now, is that we should pay the poor bugger $10 per bottle.
The second was that priority would go to people there with cash to save ongoing organisational hassles. So after people there bought what they needed directly off Roger, 6 bottles were left, which I bought off Roger and will distribute at the cost price of $10.
I guess usual procedure on bulk buys is first in best dressed, so going back through this thread the 6 bottles would go to
Asher 2
bigAl 2
Lupulin Boy 2
If anyone wants to give up a bottle to let Jasony/Bergerac have one let me know. Send me confirmation within a week and organise pickup, as if I still have them at the next West Coast Brewers meeting I will offload them there.