Installing Rainwater Tank To Improve Pilsner Lager

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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I am considering installing a rainwater tank to ensure a supply of 'Soft water' for brewing my Pilsner beer,

I am considering a Bluescope Steel Tank with 'Aquaplate' this is a metal tank with a special plastic lining .

Will I still have to filter the water befor mashing ?

Has anyone installed a Tank are there any problems I should watch out for ?

Pumpy :)
I use tank water Pumpy, just a bushmaster tank nothing special like you're considering, but I would just make a point of keeping your gutters nice and clean, and filtering the water out of the tank. Just to make sure nothing organic makes it through to your brew water. Wouldn't be an issue with a new tank, but over time the potential grows for organic material to build up in the tank. One of our spare tanks here has a small family of freaky albino frogs reminiscent of Gollum out of lord of the rings in it. Who knows exactly how they got in there in the first place.....I try not to think about it too much....:)
I use tank water too. I have a stainless steel tank - very small but nice to look at.

I don't filter - anything organic should be taken care of in the boil. There is the odd floatie in there, usually just after rain, but nothing to worry about. I've been drinking, brewing and cooking with it for 5 or so years so I figure it should be pretty clean.

Like domonsura said, clean gutters are a big help. Mine also has a leaf diverter and a dump tank that diverts the first 10L or so before starting to fill the main tank.
Pumpy, the nsw gov is currently offering $800 or so back when installing a tank that meet certain criteria. the amount depends on size etc.

YAY , SUBSIDISED BEER! (Just don't mention that it's for beer)
Domonsura ,

I will watch out for the little pale frogs I like to claim my beer is purely vegetarian .


Will definately get the frog diverter for my downpipes .

Redbeard you have convinced me i did not think te subsidy was so much .

thanks Guys

pumpy :)
Pumpy, are you going to use a pump on your tank. If you do it wont hurt to put an 8" filter on it to remover some of the chunkier bits that make it in...

This comes from personal experience :chug:
Pumpy, are you going to use a pump on your tank. If you do it wont hurt to put an 8" filter on it to remover some of the chunkier bits that make it in...
This comes from personal experience :chug:

Stu I will use a Pump on the tank and a filter to get rid of the 'Gollums'

When are we going to visit Tony at the Bulls head brewery' ?

Ross will be too busy Crushing the grain I suppose he has created a monster that he has too feed !!

Pumpy :)
Hey Pumpy...

If i was you i would consider a Plastic Tank..(Poly Tank)

We dont have town water where we are and a few years back i had to replace a couple of galvanised tanks.

Soley because i had to move them to build the shed and when i did i stuffed the bottom of them just moving them.

when you put down a steel tank and leave it for a few years that is where it stays...forget about moving it ever again.

Where as a plastic tank you can empty, flip on its side and roll down the back yard.

They are pretty much indestructable. (but i have heard of them burning to the ground)

The day mine was delivered we bounced it off the back of the truck, broke 2 large branches off the tree out the front then bounced off a 1.5 meter retaining wall. No damage. :)

The water carter guy said he smashed into one and caved it in.. filled it with water and it was as good as new.

More $$$ outlay but you can keep it for life... B)

And no there isn't any plastic taste. ( probably more chance of that from the plastic liner in the metal tank.)

Food for thought.. ;)
Hey Pumpy...

If i was you i would consider a Plastic Tank..(Poly Tank)

We dont have town water where we are and a few years back i had to replace a couple of galvanised tanks.

Soley because i had to move them to build the shed and when i did i stuffed the bottom of them just moving them.

when you put down a steel tank and leave it for a few years that is where it stays...forget about moving it ever again.

Where as a plastic tank you can empty, flip on its side and roll down the back yard.

They are pretty much indestructable. (but i have heard of them burning to the ground)

The day mine was delivered we bounced it off the back of the truck, broke 2 large branches off the tree out the front then bounced off a 1.5 meter retaining wall. No damage. :)

The water carter guy said he smashed into one and caved it in.. filled it with water and it was as good as new.

More $$$ outlay but you can keep it for life... B)

And no there isn't any plastic taste. ( probably more chance of that from the plastic liner in the metal tank.)

Food for thought.. ;)

Now that is good advice,

Thanks Sqyre

pumpy :)
1 KiloLiter fermenter bulk buy? :)