Insanely High Abv% Beer (41% Abv Wtf?)

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Hey guys,

Has anyone tried any BrewDog brews?

Noticed them in the bottlo the other day, they look interesting but very pricey. They claim "Sink the Bismarck is a quadruple IPA that contains four times the hops, four times the bitterness and frozen four times to create at a staggering 41% ABV"

Is this a good idea? :lol:
Can I ask what bottleshop you saw this at? And how much?
This I have to try.
Here's one....


no affiliation etc etc
if you do buy one treat it with the respect it deserves. cellar it for 2+ years to let it come into its own. beers like this are not made to be drunk fresh.

if you want something over the top just buy one of their 5am saints, it will cost you heaps less.
Had a taste of this the other night, as well as the Penguin at 32% Pretty amazing experience!
if you do buy one treat it with the respect it deserves. cellar it for 2+ years to let it come into its own. beers like this are not made to be drunk fresh.

if you want something over the top just buy one of their 5am saints, it will cost you heaps less.

Agree with the 5am saint, its pretty good, but def not a session beer imo, after one i was over it. Also tried their hardcore IPA.. jeeze! what a beer, talk about insane amout of hops.
Yes, I've seen them around and I've had most of the regular strength ones that come in. Punk is good yet inconsistent, 77 is a crisp, okay sort of lager and The Physics isn't that great. I really liked Hardcore though I hear the latest recipe is even better. I tried the old 12% Tokyo which was good and have the Tokyo* on its way. Expect to pay around $4 for the ones =<5% and $7 or 8 for those up to 9% or so. Tokyo* seems to be around the $15 mark. TNP is closer to $150 and Sink is around the $200 to $250 mark depending on retailer markups.

As for whether it is worth making a 41% freeze distilled IPA, IMO the answer is yes. From all accounts it actually tastes good, it's am interesting idea and I have no real problems with brewers pushing themselves and their craft. Whether it is in the pursuit of good beer or just good headlines, it can only raise the profile of craft brewing and that's a good thing.
If this is the penguin beer then I saw a bottle being sold. It was going for AU$120.
Yeah thats what I was thinking, too, MB :D

On the Bismark, $250 a stubby is way out of my league. Even if I had the money I'd still get something else.

- boingk
Yeah thats what I was thinking, too, MB :D

On the Bismark, $250 a stubby is way out of my league. Even if I had the money I'd still get something else.

- boingk

$250 a stubby - now that is just pretentious, get your hand off it!
:eek: :eek: :eek: faaaaark!
I would want it poured between the thighs of jennifer love hewitt! or ross..... hahaha :lol:

Wonder what the use-buy date is? and Craftbrewers turnover. The mind boggles re. the market for this
$249 a stubby is cheap if Tony Mokbel was importing it to share with his ex-ercise freak friend.
Hmmm.. one 41% IPA or 24 R10.
No contest, dudes.
No contest.

Ive had oak aged IIIIIIPA at 25% and 20% Eisbok... Now I love neat spirits, and 40% abv is the sweetspot for many distilled spirits, yet, I'm not convinced beer is good up in these regions.

Stop at 11.5%, gentlemen.
The production costs for that beer would be extremely high. Its an insanely hopped IPA (quadruple IPA) before they even start the freezing process.

I'd put my hand on it if i had the coin.
Just to add to that note DrS,
Lets not forget about that it's imported limited release beer, and that beer in Australia is taxed BY THE ALCOHOL!
Considering it's a strong as a Whiskey, it's best treated like a whiskey. Carbonation aside (did they even bother!?), the beauty of having a beer so strong is that it will not oxidise or infected by's way too it will keep forever essentially!