Ill informed fear mongering

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Well that's five minutes I'll never get back. Who cares what some dumb slert says on Twitter Twotter or Spybook.
What I really want to know is what is going to happen about my kid being turned into a fish finger by Aliens.
Bribie G said:
Well that's five minutes I'll never get back. Who cares what some dumb slert says on Twitter Twotter or Spybook.
What I really want to know is what is going to happen about my kid being turned into a fish finger by Aliens.
and where they get their tar tare sauce!
The sad thing is people believe what they read in the media, and when presented with credible, peer-reviewed evidence they still won't change their tune saying the evidence is concocted to suit some ulterior or sinister motive. Vaccinations/climate change come to mind.

I'll stick to my reputable sources and leave the hysteria for the gullible and Tony Abbott.

Bribie G said:
Well that's five minutes I'll never get back. Who cares what some dumb slert says on Twitter Twotter or Spybook.
What I really want to know is what is going to happen about my kid being turned into a fish finger by Aliens.
Bribie G said:
Well that's five minutes I'll never get back. Who cares what some dumb slert says on Twitter Twotter or Spybook.
What I really want to know is what is going to happen about my kid being turned into a fish finger by Aliens.
Because people believe this type of **** then spread it to others. Then before you know it craft beer has a bad name. You would think people would use there own brains. Do know how many kids have been turned into fish fingers by aliens? Bloody heaps. Top yours with tartare sauce occasionally and he/she will be perfectly happy (or so they tell me on the net} :lol:

Edit: Missed last couple of posts. Slow typing.
Wow, it just goes to show that a little knowledge can be dangerous. I've always liked Einstein's quote, "The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don't know". Or the Ben Folds adaptation, "The more you know, you know you don't know ****". Unfortunately, I don't think she has the ability to ever know enough to realise she knows jack all about what she's writing about.
An interesting bunch of responses from the brewers.

It's funny that the "Food Babe" ( of the four legged kind) couldn't get full disclosure of ingredients when she was doing her "research". I tried getting the brewer at Murray's to give up some of the goods yesterday and he did the same thing.
How rude!
The brewer at Murrays must have something to hide. Ergo, all Murrays beers contain pesticides. That's your only logical conclusion!
The Village Idiot said:
And she drinks wine .... :huh:
That's the thing I found most funny
She's raging about sulphites, but then she's drinking a bottle of wine in the pic at the bottom...
Kaiser Soze said:
The brewer at Murrays must have something to hide. Ergo, all Murrays beers contain pesticides. That's your only logical conclusion!
Mmm, Pesticides. They must've been in the 25kg bags out the back. Not Bayer products as you'd expect, but some other dodgy German brand on the label. Weyer-something!
They tried to tell me there was wheat in the Whale Ale, but I still don't believe them. Nothing but porkys from that mob.
I was curious, Too curious. I felt my brain die whilst reading that. Come on lunch time, daddy suddenly requires his homemade concoction of 1,500 deadly chemicals...
Bribie G said:
Well that's five minutes I'll never get back. Who cares what some dumb slert says on Twitter Twotter or Spybook.
What I really want to know is what is going to happen about my kid being turned into a fish finger by Aliens.
Apparently quite a few. Although this ******** i giving craft beer a rap now. Goes to show if you try and feed people crap they will eventually swallow it. After all She is on the master bullshitters show now.

Food Babe: Modern Beer Is Chemical Soup: Full Interview

Edit- Hmm don't know what happened with the link. Anyway just type it into You Tube if anyone is interested. Goes for 27 min.