Iced Coffee Aficionado's

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Well I just wondered if many Brewers were Iced coffee fans.

Western Australia is somewhat of a promised-land for Iced Coffee lovers, as there are about 15 regularly available varieties.

A new Brew has recently hit the shelves, Masters "Double Strength", and its bloody tasty.

Any other good-un's out there?
You're broaching a sensitive topic for me, sinkas. Freshly from the land of the only good iced coffee (Farmer's Union), I have severely struggled with the selection available over here. Have noted the presence of the new double M but am yet to try it. Will report back when I do.

I have also established why WA has such a broad range of flavoured milks. It's because they're all crap.
ooh, burn. I've got to admit, I'm a Farmer's Union fan myself- they have a bit of a stranglehold on the market. I love the Dare bus commercials that say "We Dare you to leave the Union"- yeah, that'll work.
Heya Guys,

i must say i'm a huge Master's Mocha fan.

has anyone tried the new coke iced coffee, i found it very sickly and it sank in my stomach like a brick.

Coffee = black.

Iced coffee bites the cheese (that cheese being "home-brand sliced cheese).
Iced coffee is the only way you can make the standard work-issue Nescafe Blend 43 taste half decent.
That crap tastes so bad it's not funny.
The Goulburn Valley one? I had one of those on the weekend, tasted like chocolate.
The Goulburn Valley one? I had one of those on the weekend, tasted like chocolate.

Yeah thats the one! jeez those boys have their fingers in everything even heard a rumor they are going to be producing mouthwash megaswill as well.

adamt you're right, i roast my own green beans and it sure makes a nice cup of coffee but don't have that convienance during the day at work.

Randy: Got plunger? When I'm working all day, I take my plunger to work with coffee I've ground in the morning, that wins for me! It may be because I despise milk in just about all forms, but anyway :)
The new "Farmers Union Extra Strong" is bliss :)
my idea of iced coffee is that dry coffee stuff at work with suger, ice and milk, mind you i also like home brand sliced cheese (anything to save a buck) :p

but when i was in adelaide with my mate last year he went banana's for that farmers union stuff, can't get it here aparently, and i must say it was alot better than the stuff i make at work :)

Randy: Got plunger? When I'm working all day, I take my plunger to work with coffee I've ground in the morning, that wins for me! It may be because I despise milk in just about all forms, but anyway :)

Hey Mate,

yeah i've got a plunger at work but the problem is i don't actually spend much time @ the office i'm on the road all the time and all my customers have is instant coffee,
so i just indulge on the weekend.

No contest as far as I'm concerned.


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