Hydrometer Mishap

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Hello there,

This is a slightly urgent call for advice.

While sanitising stuff with boiling water, I got a bit carried away and poured some into the hydrometer 'test-tube'. You can guess what happened next - it went all funhouse mirror and warped so the hydrometer will no longer fit in (and certainly not without touching the sides!)

My question is:

Can I use anything (a jam jar etc) to put the sample in and, if so, does anyone have any good suggestions?

only thing I can think of is go to your LHBS and buy a new on, there is pyrex type ones out there that wont melt.

I know you probably want it today... But look here.

You could use anything tall enough but you don't want to tip the wort back into the ferementer.

I would rather it today to be fair, and seeing as how five o'clock is approaching and it's the dreaded trackwork this weekend ......

Are other vessels OK provided the sample is then jettisoned?

Anything would be suitable IF it was tall and thin enough. Tall otherwise you won't get a reading, and thin cause you don't want to waste too much. I'd say a jam jar was neither of those things so wouldn't waste beer trying. If you've got some pipe or something you can seal at one end, that would do the job, I guess...

Personally, I'd just wait until you can get a proper one. It won't hurt waiting a few days.
The thing is, I've waited for ages to find a quiet weekend to get all this going (it's not in the fermeter yet) and I would really like to start this today!
Ahhhh... Well, I've done 3 brews so far and forgotten to take an OG reading on two of those - just do it IMO ;)
The thing is, I've waited for ages to find a quiet weekend to get all this going (it's not in the fermeter yet) and I would really like to start this today!

Well if it is not in the fermenter yet just put the sanitized hydro in the pot of wort and take your best guess from what you can see.
You don't need to sanitise your hydrometer tube - anything that goes into should be drunk or discarded


Noted for next time - thanks! ;)

As I said I got a little bit carried away with the sanitising!

Oh, and off-topic, what's your avatar? I used to enjoy it but I forgot what it's called and now I can't find it anymore (it's a comic isn't it?)

As long as the fg is around 1010 and its sat for 2 weeks. It should be fine to bottle.
Personally, I can't see the problem with wasting 200-300ml of wort from a 23l batch... just use a tall glass or jar for today
Mega - thanks again for all the advice.

My other quick question is whether a hydrometer can be bought at places other than brew shops? I'll struggle to pick one up after work as I can't get to any shops before they close!
Mega - thanks again for all the advice.

My other quick question is whether a hydrometer can be bought at places other than brew shops? I'll struggle to pick one up after work as I can't get to any shops before they close!

I think Kmart sells brigalow branded ones.
are they the 'orible ones that only go up to 1040 maximum? or am I thinking of different ones....

No, you are correct, they are the 'orible ones. I still have one for a spare. I didn't realize 'ow 'orible they were until I got it 'ome.

No, you are correct, they are the 'orible ones. I still have one for a spare. I didn't realize 'ow 'orible they were until I got it 'ome.


ooohhh, you are awful.....but I like ya! :lol:
Another option, is if you are using plastic bucket type feremnters, just sanitise the hydrometer and float it in the fermenter before pitching your yeast. Doesn't work so well with carboys, since you can't get them back out.

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