Humor me, just an observation

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After about 25 days in primary @ about 19C I bottled my beer after FG was reached, but before hand I numbered my bottles 1-30 then bottled.
Now here is my observation, I let my bottles carb for 4 weeks @ 18C & have tried a few during that time, I noticed that the numbers in the center of the lot were some of the best beer I have ever tasted but the ones in the last 4 were terrible as were the first two or three bottles of the lot. I would hate like hell to give my friends any of the first or last bottles, do you think these will eventually mellow out with time? The fermenter was not moved or disturbed during the bottling process, any input appreciated, I expect it is a concentration of yeast causing the problem.

Thanks okie1
I have no scentific proof and this is also my first post here, but i find the insulation from the other surrounding bottles tends to shield from cold and carb up the middle lot before everything else.
I have no scentific proof and this is also my first post here, but i find the insulation from the other surrounding bottles tends to shield from cold and carb up the middle lot before everything else.
Excuse me if I misrepresented myself, I am speaking of the numerical center such as bottle # 15, not the physical center, but thanks for the input.

the only thing i can think of is stuff at the start and end of your brew when bottling, or just sheer bad luck with some slight bottle off-flavours/infections which i've also had with the rare beer.

there tends to be a bit of yeast trub in the tap when i first bottle my beer (but this should really only affect the first beer and only the last beer/s if you let a bunch of that yeast trub get into it). there could also be some crap sitting on the very top of your brew (krausen residue) which gets into your bottles. do you let all that trub get into your bottles? that could definitely be it.

i'd probably err on the side of the bad luck with bottles, depending on how you clean and sanitise them. are you pretty rigorous with it? is your bottling wand also sanitised before use? be meticulous on the next brew and see how you go.
okie1 said:
Excuse me if I misrepresented myself, I am speaking of the numerical center such as bottle # 15, not the physical center, but thanks for the input.

Ah i get ya. Are you bulk priming?
Everything is sanitized, sanitized, sanitized with Starsan, all the same & these are new pet bottles that came with my kit so I can rule out most problems. I am just bottling directly from my new Coopers DIY ferment vessel. I understand that the last few bottles may contain more of what is on the bottom of the FV thus causing an off taste, it may lessen with time.
I've found if you are in a hurry to start drinking a batch (as I often am) the last few bottles with extra yeast in them seem to carb up quicker.
25 days in primary @ about 19C when did it finish fermenting have you looked at cold crashing for a couple of days.When the beer is taken from the fermenter more sediment will be in first and last bottles .If you bulk prime in another container it will be distributed ..
Started cold crashing it this morning, I cranked it to as low as it will go, so far 4.9C or 40.8F, it may go just a bit lower. I will keep it there for a week or so & see how it is. Here in Oklahoma when summer comes if you did not have temp control your SOL when it comes to brewing.

I number my bottles as well and the middle of the batch are definitely the best.
I carry my FV inside so have to expect a bit of muck in the first couple and trying to extract the last of the juice at the end means there's a little bit of extra there to.

As you are bottling, you are pulling air in the top of the vessel so the top of the batch is getting more oxygen than the rest.

I wondered if there were others out there.
FWIW, when I keg a triple batch, the three kegs taste different too.

So much so that I've considered using tees etc to keg all three kegs at once to homogenize the beer a bit. Never have though
What was terrible about the **** ones? The last few will often end up with more sediment/trub which can impact flavour, appearance and create gushers but the first ones should be ok.
I tend to bottle the first and last into re-used coke PET bottles (1.25L and/or 2L). That way, any ***** is visible and I know not to shout these as gifts or break them out when boasting about the superiority of homebrew.
I run off usually a shot or two of beer first which may have trub/ yeast when bottling and also don't go too crazy getting the last bottle out, as it can be a bit yeasty - not as bad though when bulk priming. I still feel bad for a mate who came over and accidentally got 2 of my duds! One was just a yeast bomb that was only 2/3 full and the other I poured was completely flat due to a bad rubber seal swingtop haha.

Labelling the bottles makes a lot of sense!

Okie - I crash chill and I also usually leave the majority of the crud in the FV when transferring to the bulk priming bucket. The last batch is the clearest I think I have made and spent about 7 days at -1C.
I think on my next bottling I will turn the valve on just enough to slowly fill my bottles, I may have been too aggressive this time & likely had it open all the way causing too much motion in the FV, we shall see. I am learning as I go. :chug:

Thanks for all the input
Foxfire said:
If you're just filling directly from the tap, I recommend getting a bottle filler from your LHBS. It'll be 3 or 4 dollars and you won't regret it. Easy flow, not tap turning on and off all the time and it's easy to stop in a hurry if you need to.
Thanks, yes, my kit came with a bottle filler, they work great but I may have had the tap all the way open, next time I will take it slower.
Hi Okie 1, number next batch as usual and leave the first and last few bottles to sit longer in the bottle, 6 to 8 weeks instead of the 4. I think you'll find them much better and I wouldn't pour slower either.