How To - Polyclar

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Hi Dicko

We use a bamix at the brewery to mix in Lucilite (similar to polyclar) and it works fine (we do need to mix a bit more up at a time than you do)

If you are in Adelaide I can show you a stir plate to make it easier for you to build one (or I can help you build one)


G'day Pedro,

I will give the barmix a go then.
I dont know when i will be over next as we are about to move house.
I have a lot of family committments when we come to Adelaide and at times it is difficult to do brew related activities, however I would like to see your brewery and catch up with you re all things brewing if I can.

Lucilite (similar to polyclar)

Depends. Most Lucilite products are silica based hydrogels that remove haze forming proteins, whilst most polyclar products are PVPP based and work on the tannoid side of the problem. Mind you, each company has a product in their range that does the opposite, eg Lucilite TR works like PVPP, Polyclar Plus removes protein.
I use a plastic water, coke, juice bottle (whatevers at hand), walk around with it for 30 mins rocking back n forward, pour into fermenter airlock with a funnel. Leave for 2-3 days and then rack off into keg.

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