How To: Install A Vavle/thermometer

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Good afternoon.
Been looking for quite some time after a detaild guide or anything like it, regarding to 'how to install a vavle/thermometer on a vessel', without any success.

Can anyone please help? Guides, links, pictures, anything.
I plan to install a vavle and a thermometer on a non-steel 50L pot, and would like to do it well :)

Thanks for the responds.
I'm assuming that you mean you want weldless fittings? It is pretty easy. You just need to drill the right sized hole and tighten the buggers up. If you ask any reputable retailer of said items you'll get good instructions. If you don't - shop elsewhere. If those instructions are still a bit foggy for you then come ask here. At the moment you're asking "how do I fit an ill-defined item to a hazy object?" You know what I mean?

I personally installed both said items to an esky without too much difficulty (nor any sort of instructions in the retail packaging). If I can do it I'm sure you'll muddle through without too much difficulty too.
Bum is correct. If what you're asking is fitting a dial thermometer in weldless to an esky or other tun then your retailer of said objects should advise.

My advice would be

-Make sure the hole you drill is the same size as the thread. Too big will leak (and need to be sealed), too small is a massive pain in the arse. Too small can always be drilled bigger though so if you can go in stages then consider that.

- Use a spade bit if drilling into plastic, use a conical step bit if going into metal

-Mark where you want the hole and then measure and mark again. Measure twice cut/drill once and all that.

-Use thread tape

-you will need: all thread, thread tape, locknuts and maybe silicon washers. Two shifting spanners, don't overtighten. Test with hot water. Wind the thread tape in the correct direction so that when you screw the thread in or put the nuts on, the thread tape doesn't unwind again.
Thanks for the answers guys.
By non-steel I meant stainless steel (my bad..).
Anyway, I think I got it.. any other comments are more than welcome ofcourse.

Will post some pics when ready.
It very depends on the form of the temperatur probe yoll be using.
