How long should you keep your fermentor

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foles said:
Replace it.
This. If you're getting repeated infection issues with the fermenter, it's just better to get a new one and eliminate that problem than try to fix it and ruin another batch of beer.
I've got one going strong from 1998 with no issues, but brew bucket is fermenting it's first batch so might be time for retirement.
pnorkle said:
Fermenter tap. Use the handle of a wooden spoon to bash the tap "cock" out of the tap, then clean with whatever you use. Personally, I wouldn't be using dishwashing liquid on my fermenter, but each to their own I guess. NapiSan might be a better alternative.

Edit: Beaten by RfQ.
Or just spend $2 replacing it.
Some of these fermenters fall apart the plastic goes brittle with age not good .
I've got on from the late 80s that I still use. Haven't brewed all that time but have also used it camping as a water bottle.
Also I've never pulled a tap apart ( I remove the tap and clean the threads ) , so thought I'd pull one apart today after kegging . It was spotless...,maybe I've been lucky. Is it possible that pulling them apart and lubing may make them more prone to getting crud on them ?
seamad said:
I've got on from the late 80s that I still use. Haven't brewed all that time but have also used it camping as a water bottle.
Also I've never pulled a tap apart ( I remove the tap and clean the threads ) , so thought I'd pull one apart today after kegging . It was spotless...,maybe I've been lucky. Is it possible that pulling them apart and lubing may make them more prone to getting crud on them ?
I cask condition ales in cubes, originally I just replaced the taps as Mr. No-tip suggested above but found even new ones sometimes dripped under pressure so came up with the idea of lubing and sealing them with Vaseline and it worked so well I have never had one drip even at 20 psi.

yes they do loosen up and drip easier after they have been pulled apart even on the fermenter if they are not lubed and sealed.
Mr. No-Tip said:
Or just spend $2 replacing it.
This. Every now and then I buy a handful from bunnings. At $2 I can't be bothered pulling apart to clean.
I had a batch go bad and the fermenter still had a smell to it after a good Oxi soak, on closer looking the bottom was scratched up from the bottling wand, school boy error leaving stuff in the fermenter, I binned it and bought a new one. Was about 3 years old and now much more careful with what is stored in it.

I always pop the tap out and clean in boiling water.
The one I binned was a Coopers one (No air lock fermenter) and the tap was great for pulling apart, the new one just has the 'cheap' taps and I also keep a spare.
I use an Auto-Siphon with fermentors that have no tap.

I have found this to be a good option.
rehabs_for_quitters said:
Have you ever pulled apart and cleaned your taps as they are filth traps?
Blind Dog said:
Pretty sure s/he meant fermentor taps. they're the 1st place id look
Thanks for this thread.

I noticed a mild case of lacto in a beer I was drinking last night, and luckily, because I was brewing this morning, I chanced across this thread.

Pulled apart the tap, and yep that was where it came from!

So thanks guys for saving another batch from becoming yogurt-beer.
plastic fermenters here are at least 9 years old, taps have staining inside, no probs, hot water rinse and then left with bi-carb smeared onto inside, tap removed thread cleaned, stored up-side down on a towel, never pulled taps apart though they have been changed when the seal goes

before using - hot water rinse, sanitizer, hot water rinse left to cool, only ever had one bug and that was open top ferment in a stainless keg anyway, never in plastic

seasonal thing has merit

high useage may be more relevant as opposed to just being old, i don't stir in mine as i aerate by pouring so yeah, btw never seen a proper plastic fermenter break down, maybe that would be from harsh chemicals used to clean it

sour - would you say astringent, like sucking on a tea bag?
Mr. No-Tip said:
Or just spend $2 replacing it.
Seconded, They cost next to nothing from Bunnings. Rather than messing with pulling apart a tap (I'm not nearly handy) I just replace it every couple of brews.

As for cleaning, I soak my fermenter in napi-san overnight and rinsed with a couple of hot water then starsan before using. I haven't had a problem in over 20+ brews.
Thanks for all the info chaps.

Got some napisan as above so I will see how it goes. Took another brew from the ferment fridge on Sunday and it smelt bloody awful with noticeable green tinge on yeast clumps. The taste was like sour/metallic so undrinkable....down the drain it went.

I will do a quick keg filler with kit, extract and hops and put into a napisan cleaned (taps too..) and starsan sanitised fermentor and see what happens :unsure: :unsure:
I use pure sodium percarbonate...whcih is the active ingredient in napisan - just make sure the one above has no added scents as these will linger in you fermentor which you dont want. I used to use homebrand napisan - these are generally not scented.

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