How Do You Support Your Hop Sock ?

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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I made a sort of stepped circular holder which is suspended by three SS wires

how do you suspend yours ?

Pumpy :)

I use the zip tie it came with to wrap through the two handles, and have an alloy bar I rest across the top of the pot, going through the zip tie to hold the sock up...
It's a sock Warren - you need one (or more) of these racy little numbers :D

keep em coming chaps (the serious ones that is :p )....was also thinking about this on the weekend and how to do this when I buy my hop sock. I was just going to go the good ole fashioned steel coat hangar slightly refashioned.
I wedge mine in the removable lid thingy

it means i usually end up with VERY hot hands when tryiung to make the hop additions
Eh Pumpy,
I just dangle mine over the side into the kettle :p
With a cable tie x2 connected to the handle of my kettle.
Jingle Jangle every now and then to ensure i get the utilization i need !!

Slight tangent - has anyone done the experiement to see what difference it makes (to the beer, not the process) to use the sock as a post-boil filter, with the hops boilin free, versus hanging the sock in the boiler?

Slight tangent - has anyone done the experiement to see what difference it makes (to the beer, not the process) to use the sock as a post-boil filter, with the hops boilin free, versus hanging the sock in the boiler?


I did this with my last brew, the volume was a bit low so I kept draining out the hop sludge and filtered it through an old hop bag. Transferred it to a keg tonight so I can use the yeast cake tomorrow and there was very little break and hop material.
I wonder if anyonne else has a good way of supporting thier Hopsock

I bent up a coat hanger into a large V and put each end into little tiny holes that are already drilled on the rim of the keg. I use cable ties and a kitchen Utiensil S type holder to keep in place.

Cheers, JJ
Mine is dead simple - I just wrapped a bit of wire around the handle of the kettle and bent the other end into a hook to hold the sock at the right height. I just change where the bend is depending on the size of the batch.
Mine is dead simple - I just wrapped a bit of wire around the handle of the kettle and bent the other end into a hook to hold the sock at the right height. I just change where the bend is depending on the size of the batch.

thats basicly what i do too.

I just used a couple of bits of good old twitching wire that didnt end up on a fence.

they wrap around the handles on the old 18gal keg to hild it up.

I am planing on building an electric robotic reverse molecular positive transumodifier hop sock holder soon

thats basicly what i do too.

I just used a couple of bits of good old twitching wire that didnt end up on a fence.

they wrap around the handles on the old 18gal keg to hild it up.

I am planing on building an electric robotic reverse molecular positive transumodifier hop sock holder soon


Imagine a very thin carbon fibre lid that would 'float' on the steam being boiled off... It could act as the necessary sky hook, ensuring perfect suspension as the wort level decreases...

I don't use a hop sock - I filter into the cube and then again into the fermenter.

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