The hopsock fits in like this
I wedge mine in the removable lid thingy
it means i usually end up with VERY hot hands when tryiung to make the hop additions
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Slight tangent - has anyone done the experiement to see what difference it makes (to the beer, not the process) to use the sock as a post-boil filter, with the hops boilin free, versus hanging the sock in the boiler?
I wonder if anyonne else has a good way of supporting thier Hopsock
Mine is dead simple - I just wrapped a bit of wire around the handle of the kettle and bent the other end into a hook to hold the sock at the right height. I just change where the bend is depending on the size of the batch.
thats basicly what i do too.
I just used a couple of bits of good old twitching wire that didnt end up on a fence.
they wrap around the handles on the old 18gal keg to hild it up.
I am planing on building an electric robotic reverse molecular positive transumodifier hop sock holder soon