How Do You Say "amarillo"

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I say Amarillo like:

  • Am-a-RILLO (as in "pillow")

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Am-a-REE-YO (as do the Spaniards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Considering that just about everybody totally mispronounces the German beer/brewing/hop names ("whyzen", "ssaahz" etc etc), I don't think we should worry too much about one Spanish word.

FWIW, I say as it's an American variety, pronounce it their way.

amariyo/amarilyo ... that's a colour.

I have alot of trouble saying it amarillo, and prefer to say amar-dee-yo, though ya get some funny looks, so usually say amarillo. Mind you, no matter how you say it, putting a spanish tilt on any word, even if it correct, makes you look like a ponce! Think saying torteeyah vs tord-TEE-yuh.Having spent quite a bit of time in South and Central America, surfing, and one of my surfboards was amar-dee-yo (yellow), when people ask me to describe the flavour in said hop, all I can think of is yellow! Its just the way it tastes to me, probably because of the name. I cannot help but wonder (every time I use em) if the amarillo hops have a yellow tinge to them somewhere or at some stage in their growth? I assume it was named by a mexican-american hop farmer, or some redneck that wanted to try and butcher the pronunciation of a word! No matter what, I will probably just keep calling it amarillo, and describing it as yellow! Mind you, those that want to call it amarillow, how do you pronounce words like semillon, tempranillo, llama and Mallorca? Each to their own, as long as it goes in a beer, its all good.
All the best
Mind you, those that want to call it amarillow, how do you pronounce words like semillon, tempranillo, llama and Mallorca? Each to their own, as long as it goes in a beer, its all good.
All the best

True Trent. I worked with a Spanish girl in Brisbane a few years ago. I said how do you pronounce 'paella', the classic Spanish seafood and rice dish.

She said 'pie-yay-a' :blink:

Amarillo - I say hoppy goody :)

Maybe someone should ask Graham Sanders how it's pronounced properly? :unsure:

What about sinsemilla? Does anyone use that term any more?

Beerz :p

Overheard some guys asking for Armadillo hops yesterday. Had to wait till i got outside the shop to crack up at that one.

Just don't get me started on Jal-a-peeeeno chillies. Aaaahhhhhhgggg.


I heard someone ask for Goldwing and Fungles hops. Love the Armadillo call.
Just for interests sake,

Its pronounced O-L-I-R-A-M-A backwards.


Just for interests sake,

Its pronounced O-L-I-R-A-M-A backwards.



That would be an Indian Hop right, OliRama could it be used in an IPA?

We can't all take pronunciation that seriously can we, otherwise we wouldn't tolerate the intrusion of offshore call centres into our lives so readily. Halo my nem is Kevinn how may I be helping U tuday.

Excuse mee, would U plees be telling me the tame, or will I just be going away and getting stuffed now?
Very thought provoking...

As an ex-yank who grew up in California and speaks spanish fluently, I hadn't really considered the dilemna. Not sure if that's cause I heard someone pronounce it first or I just made an assumption.

I definitely pronounce it like the city in Texas. Jalapeno definitely gets the Spanish presentation with a 'h'. Sinsemilla absolutely gets the proper latin pronounciation as well.

What I don't get is how corporate names, like Nissan, Adidas and Celica get different pronounciations. You'd figure we learn how to say them from comercials and you'd expect the companies to make commercials that use the same pronounciation. But I learned to pronouce all of the above differently growing up than the way they get said here. Do you reckon they run focus groups or something and decide, as Steve suggests, that they'll simply do it the way folks are inclined to say it?

Cheers, Brian
Just ask for those hops that taste like rock melons and mangos. :lol:
Show me the way to Sinsemilla
I been tokin like a gorilla
Give me a beer that makes me mellow
And sweet Marie who waits for me

Sha la la la la la la