I have alot of trouble saying it amarillo, and prefer to say amar-dee-yo, though ya get some funny looks, so usually say amarillo. Mind you, no matter how you say it, putting a spanish tilt on any word, even if it correct, makes you look like a ponce! Think saying torteeyah vs tord-TEE-yuh.Having spent quite a bit of time in South and Central America, surfing, and one of my surfboards was amar-dee-yo (yellow), when people ask me to describe the flavour in said hop, all I can think of is yellow! Its just the way it tastes to me, probably because of the name. I cannot help but wonder (every time I use em) if the amarillo hops have a yellow tinge to them somewhere or at some stage in their growth? I assume it was named by a mexican-american hop farmer, or some redneck that wanted to try and butcher the pronunciation of a word! No matter what, I will probably just keep calling it amarillo, and describing it as yellow! Mind you, those that want to call it amarillow, how do you pronounce words like semillon, tempranillo, llama and Mallorca? Each to their own, as long as it goes in a beer, its all good.
All the best