How do you rate Crankandstein mills compared to others ?

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For those who have bought one, do you think they are worth the money ?
I've had a Crankandstein 2S mill since approx. 2006. Bottom of the range, but with S/S rollers and 1/2" drive options. Cost an arm and a leg back then because the AUD was at an all time low.

It's been great, never misses a beat except when it gets a small stone in it. The gap is difficult to change compared with other mills in the range, but I have that worked out now.

Just checked their website, my mill starts at USD 88.00 which is equivalent to approx. AUD 130.00, but I could'nt see the options available that I have.(I consider S/S rollers and 1/2 inch drive important). Freight from the States would be quite expensive also.

I started using it with a drill, but eventually motorised it when i burnt out the old drill I used for it. I used the Motiondynamics setup mentioned on this site.

Would I buy another? Depends on whether the same options were available and if it was not too much more expensive. I'd probably look at the MashMaster mill and weigh it up from there.

If you can pick up a second hand Crankandstein in good condition, I'd definitely consider it.
I had a 3 roller crankenstein, it served me well for 6 years, but the Millmaster from Beerco stands head and shoulder above it. The millmaster is far easier to adjust the gap, it is stainless steel, and the mills are linked with gears. The millmaster is a beautifully made bit of kit. Local made too.