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Liam_snorkel said:
some doom/grind.. I suppose you would call it. Shares members with Primitive Man, so don't bother clicking it Cube.

Ok - will not.
of mice and gods said:
Cube, you might like this one instead mate..

My ears, dear god they bleeeeeeed. Quick, gimme some Korn to come down.
Gar said:
Cranking a bit of Motorhead tonight, I can't say I'm into stuff too heavy these days (death, black, metalcore etc) but as for your screen name and avatar.

Excellent band!

Lets have a little clutchage FFS :p


One more for good luck :ph34r:


Bugger it, last one :ph34r:

Not bad, not bad. Some light metalish there. I'll get the CD's from the library and see how they sound.
Believe it or not Clutch actually started as a pretty metally band.

(remembering they were together awhile before getting a music video and comparing with current sound will give you a general trajectory).

Flamesuit activated.
****** huzzah! one of my favourite songs


could have been a swan on a glassy lake, could have been a gull in a clippers wake, could have been a lady bug on a wind chime...

Probably not the ideal platform for this medium, but beats the **** out of a Whitney Houston cover in my book.

Oh man, just started listening to Dead Kelly
These guys are so great!
(no video as I'm at work)

King Parrot's new clip
new Mayhem. Audio quality isn't great but the song rips:

Probably best place thread for this link
