hops from Tassie

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I contacted Hopco (email [email protected]) to see what hop rhizomes they have. Cascade, and Shaz in stock this week. Fuggle and Hersbrucker next week and Challenger, Target, Supa alpha, Red earth, Chinnook, Cluster, Hallertau, Tattnanger, and Wilamete coming soon. There is no forward ordering, only for sale when in stock at $25 each and discount for bulk. If you are interested send Sandy Ross a email at above email address. Cheers Bottla
Yeah, but your a bloody nice chump, Yob.
mInd you the carbon tax could be to blame....
Interesting thing here - I have been thinking of buying some "land" to grow hops to sell to Tassie brewers, as it is hard to buy whole flowers here in Tassie. (Strange I know, but that is the way it is). At $25 for a rhizome, they will cost more than the land. Sometimes I hate living in Tassie.
Has anybody out there brought from hopco before?. Are they healthy rhizomes?. I have some baby hops grown from seed of unknown strain but american genetics. I am aiming to use males from that lot to pollinate some of the known clones. You could backcross the offspring to the mother clone to produce something similar or outcross to another strain and try and get a mix of traits, bitterness,flavor, etc. For example you could have a Cascade clone crossed with seed grown male and then use a male from that cross to pollinate a Citra clone. This would produce a hop with strong Citra influence with some Cascade and seed grown male traits blended in. Plant breeding and genetics are a bit of a hobby of mine and a slow process but would be nice to have some hops that are a blend of strains or totally new. Anyone out there have any strains in mind they would like to see crossed. It may be more than 24 months before seed from a cross like above to be ready and 36 odd months for plants to be ready. Genetic diversity is the key to a plants ability to survive and adapt to conditions, pests, disease. Cheers Bottla
Bottla, are you still contemplating orgainizing a bulk buy like you mentioned in a now-disappeared thread? I'd be interested.
LagerBomb said:
Interesting thing here - I have been thinking of buying some "land" to grow hops to sell to Tassie brewers, as it is hard to buy whole flowers here in Tassie. (Strange I know, but that is the way it is). At $25 for a rhizome, they will cost more than the land. Sometimes I hate living in Tassie.CheersLagerBomb
Harder to source than any other state? Mostly you need to go online to get them mate, rather makes everybody equal..

How many cultivars are you after? Keep in mind that once any small rhizome has had a year of growth, many more rhizomes can be taken, as well as taking cuttings throughout the growing season, should make it rather inexpensive, agree though @ $25 + postage is a bit of a rip
Oh but that Hersbrucker is just so tempting! Haven't seen much around the board.

And you seem to be up rather early these days Yob. Any reason? ;0)
LagerBomb said:
Interesting thing here - I have been thinking of buying some "land" to grow hops to sell to Tassie brewers, as it is hard to buy whole flowers here in Tassie. (Strange I know, but that is the way it is). At $25 for a rhizome, they will cost more than the land. Sometimes I hate living in Tassie.
Hey lagerbomb I just found this thread (see first post) looking for other sources of Hersbrucker. It's from last year but I'm guessing he'd still be selling - and he ships to Tassie!


I'm a first-year grower but from everything I've seen on the board Yob's point is well taken.
Keep in mind folks, that sending to (certainly) and getting rhizomes from (bit hazy on) Tassie is regulated by strict border control and is illegal unless they have been certified which puts it out of reach of most people to do above the board...
Its easy to source hop flowers from the internet - getting them into Tassie? - now theres a thing. Probably easier to smuggle drugs than import hop flowers. It's not worth the effort if I get caught - huge fines, prison, death penanlty, flogged with a cat o'nine tales. You get the picture. Try walking through the airport with an apple in your pocket?
I have a mate that managed a hop farm in NE Tassie, who still has connections within the industry. I recently met the state manager from his company. If I wanted to purchase 1 tonne of flowers, no worries, but any thing less, then they arent interested. They are only interested in pellets, and 99% of their crop is sold prior to harvest.
As far as rhizomes go - only an idea, but planting up to an acre of hops is going to be costly @ $25/rhizome. Plant 10 rhizomes and work from there, ok, not so costly. Anyway, its just pie in the sky talk atm.
Really? I'll make a couple of calls today to confirm that flowers cant be mailed, it was my understanding it was more about soil contaminants on rhizomes than pests on the flowers. Christ, we import flowers from NZ with no issue so I should think that flowers interstate would pose no significant issue.
Just branching OT for a second. While I havent tried importing flowers into Tassie, I know that we don't import anything from New Zealand into here, due to insects/pests. There has been a few legal battles over it. All fruit etc that is imported is treated in some way, although I am not overly sure of what this is. We are trying to protect our clean, green and fruit fly free image over here. We just haven't found a way to stop the Queenslanders from moving here yet. :D
Will get an emphatic answer today mate, it's in my best interest to know and as they say, ignorance is no excuse.
its weird,i travelled by plane to launceston 5 weeks ago didn't see quarantine officer in sight.only thing i saw was a bin asking to place risk item's in it

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