Hop Plants Available

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Thought I would post a new topic on hop plants available in Adelaide Hills over the next couple of weeks before Christmas. If anyone is interested I've got three varieties available, CASCADE, PERLE and GOLDINGS, they are all growing in 15cm pots and very healthy. They have been propogated from female stock plants.
$25 each or all three for $60. I'm thinking about setting up a stall near to Grumpies micro brewery/pub in Verdun/Hahndorf this weekend if enough people are interested. I've also got a few of each variety in much bigger pots. Sorry I've not looked into posting these plants due to postal restrictions on living plants. Anyone interested?
If you whack a few pictures up on the net on something such as Imageshack you can copy and paste the direct link to "insert image" the pictures in your thread. This may help your efforts.

You can buy largish sized rhizomes in winter for about the same price. I'd assume yours are cuttings or divided bits (since they're in a small pot) that may not yield as big a plant (in it's first season) as a good sized rhizome. No disrepect intended nor am I meaning to bag your plants or their quality.

I'd so like to say yes I am interested in all three (as I don't have these varieties) but I reckon the missus would kill me. She thinks I am obsessed with the 4 I already have.
$25 a pop for propogated cuttings; I know what I'm up to tonight.
If you whack a few pictures up on the net on something such as Imageshack you can copy and paste the direct link to "insert image" the pictures in your thread. This may help your efforts.

You can buy largish sized rhizomes in winter for about the same price. I'd assume yours are cuttings or divided bits (since they're in a small pot) that may not yield as big a plant (in it's first season) as a good sized rhizome. No disrepect intended nor am I meaning to bag your plants or their quality.

I'd so like to say yes I am interested in all three (as I don't have these varieties) but I reckon the missus would kill me. She thinks I am obsessed with the 4 I already have.

Yep these plants were all propogated during the previous domant season from rhizome division from parent plants. In my experience neither a plant from this type of propogation or a transplanted good size rhizome produces much in the way of hop cones in its first growing year, and by the second growing season both types of plant generally catch up with each other. Growing from small Rhizome sections in pots allows plants to be offered in their fully active growth stage, whereas rhizomes tend to be available only during the Winter months before they have broken their winter dormancy. I'm just extending their season of availability.

Take your point re posting photo's, I have to dust the digital camera off and see what I can do!

Thanks for your comments...Cheers.
There was someone in SA who posted on here late in the season wanting plants. I can't remember who it was, but I think someone may have hooked him up. If not maybe do a search and see if he's interested. At $25 a pop I think I'll wait for winter and the kindness of complete strangers =p. There are often good folks on here looking to share the hop love.

Though tbh as an ex gardener that price is reasonable for a potted plant of that size. He's not ripping people off - he's just not giving them away like most of the folks on here do in winter. For convenience sake, and if someone wants to start their hops journey NOW then they're a reasonable price.

PS Maybe a short blurb about each of the hop varieties you're selling (flavour characteristics, their use in bittering, etc) would help with the sale too.

EDIT: Like he says below. Nice description for lazy noobs like me. Perhaps leave a card at brew shops on the way past too Filbert.
If any one is prepared to travel to the Adelaide Hills over the next couple of weeks, I have about thirty of each variety of these hop plants for sale:

CASCADE: This is probably the most widely used hop by Craftbrewers in the US, it has a flowery, citrusy aroma and is used commercially in brews including Little Creatures IPA and Sierra Nevada IPA. This variety was released in 1972 as a result of an open pollinated Fuggles seedling. A strong vigerous variety.

PERLE: Bred in Germany in1978 from Northern Brewer, this was an attempt to recreate a higher alpha acid replacement for Hallertauer Mittelfruher. An excellent flavour and aroma hop for European Pilsners, Wheat Beers and Lagers.

GOLDINGS: The classic dual purpose hop for English style beers, with a pleasant spicy aroma.

Plants are growing healthily in 15 cm pots, and they were propogated from thumb thick, 10cm long sections of rhizomes taken from the stock plants in June 2010. The original stock plants were purchased from "Hops West" in Perth four years ago and have been growing, virus free ever since. The parent plants are female and therefore all these vegetively produced offspring are guarranteed to be female too.

Hop plants are more usually available in the form of rhizomes during the plants winter dormant period (which has now passed) and by offering the plants now during their actively growing stage, I am just extending their availability at a time when they are not usually offered. All varieties $25 each or 3 for $60. I cannot post due to the active top growth being damaged in transit, plus restrictions on the movement of plants and compost.

I also have a limited number of all three varieties in 25 and 30cm pots which were propogated in the same manner only one year ealier (June 2009), they spent there first growing season in 15cm pots and were potted up into their bigger pots in June 2010. These are offered at $35 each.

Please note these plants are not an inferior alternative to buying dormant rhizomes in the Winter, they are just an alternative means of getting hold of them in the Summer when you cannot usually get hold of them, and you basically get the rhizomes in the pot during their active growing period, i.e they have shoots and leaves.

Best Regards Filbert.
Thought I would post a new topic on hop plants available in Adelaide Hills over the next couple of weeks before Christmas. If anyone is interested I've got three varieties available, CASCADE, PERLE and GOLDINGS, they are all growing in 15cm pots and very healthy. They have been propogated from female stock plants.
$25 each or all three for $60. I'm thinking about setting up a stall near to Grumpies micro brewery/pub in Verdun/Hahndorf this weekend if enough people are interested. I've also got a few of each variety in much bigger pots. Sorry I've not looked into posting these plants due to postal restrictions on living plants. Anyone interested?
Definetly interested when will you be there

Here's a small group of the Cascade Hops in their pots.
What kind of timeframe can you expect before being able to use the flowers? 1,2,3,4 years?


What kind of timeframe can you expect before being able to use the flowers? 1,2,3,4 years?



Hi Filby

Hops are quick growing perenial plants which increae in size and vigor as the rhizomes thicken and strengthen in the soil, these pot grown plants, if planted in fertile soil during this growing season will typically sprout from the soil next spring and will produce a small crop of hop cones next season, and will rapidly increase crop sizes over the following couple of years.

If your interested I'm going to be in the car park of Grumpy's Bar at Hahndorf (near to Verdun) at 7pm tonight, I'll bring a selection of all the plants for sale. I've PM'd you with my details.

To hopefully gain some more interest, how about I reduce the price to $20 each or all three varieties for $50 but for tonight only.

The big plants will have to remain at $35 each because they are much more advanged and a year older.

Anyone else interested? Let me know ASAP and I'll pass on my contact details.
nice one filbert, i reckon thats a good price looking at the pictures of the plants your selling, if you were in canberra i would be adding to my collection of hop plants for sure!
Hello Cosmo...

Does your collection still include last year's Narrabundah sourced Elasser? Mine is struggling. The Tet, POR & Chinook are healthy, lengthy and flowering. ;-)

yes thylacine, the elasser was going great guns until the over abundence of snails and earwigs got to it but its there first year in the ground so im not to concerned about a big crop this year, especially with 4 kg of hops in the freezer :beerbang:
Ok, my parents have kindly agreed to try out grumpy's and will be purchasing on my behalf.
Ok, my parents have kindly agreed to try out grumpy's and will be purchasing on my behalf.

The harts


Your mum purchased all three varieties from me last night for $50............hope your satisfied with the plants and growing information I provided, any questions please dont hesitate to ask. Cheers Phil.