Just don't assume that what's being said about 'kit twang' applies to every extract, or every person for that matter. My first brew was a Thomas Coopers Wheat tin and 1kg dextrose, with the kit yeast, fermented under my stairs at around 21 degrees. I still have some, and nobody who's tasted it to date has been able to detect any kit twang. Boring, lifeless and fizzy, but no twang (and surely in a beer that bland the twang would have every opportunity to rear its ugly head). My 2nd kit brew used wb-06 yeast, so I'll ignore that one, 'coz the flavour from wb-06 could hide an elephant. My 3rd brew was a kit Irish Ale, with a tin of Coopers Draught, dme, dex, maltodextrin & golden syrup....kit yeast. No twang detected by the 10 or so people that have tried it.
A mate of mine dropped off a bottle of his very first home-brew on the weekend, an amber ale kit from his local Ballarat HBS (their extract & yeast...I suspect it's Coopers rebranded?). It's too fizzy, very bland, and needs a LOT more hops....but there's no 'homebrew twang'....and he's had at least half a dozen of his family and mates try it, asking every one of 'em if they can taste that "home brew taste".
The beer that first got me into home brewing, from a mate Adam at my work, was a Coopers Australian Pale Ale kit...I never asked his exact recipe, but it was a really, really good beer...and this was back when I hadn't tried a homebrew in 10 years, so I was waiting to taste something very ordinary (I'd done heaps of 'on premise' brews, but was a bit afraid of home brew after a mate's failed experiments many years before). And just to be clear, I've always despised VB, would only drink Carlton Draught on tap if there was nothing else on offer, and have enjoyed 'micro' or 'craft' beers for many years, Sierra Nevada, Weihenstephan, Schoffer...and James Squire/Matilda Bay/Little Creatures type beers. So it's not as if I hadn't ever tried anything but megaswill.
I'm about to do a full extract collaboration brew with a fellow AHB member who's only done kits and FWK's to date...he has a brew of his that he thinks has 'that homebrew taste', so he's bringing me one. Maybe I'll discover something that I've been tasting all along but just haven't known?