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Thanks for the advice all. The 13th sounds good, alas I'm out of beer at the moment (System upgrade, 3 vessel AG to RIMS) so I can't bring any of mine along. I do have the odd bottle of mead floating about if such things are welcome?
Tao ,
You and your mead would be most welcome....
Don't forget some bbq food for the bbq too ...and cutlery lol
I'd also be interested in hearing of your system upgrade...
Sounds like someone will be brewing on the 13th ( me actually lol )
Til then ,
Ha Ha HoppingMad how a few beers make you exagerate :)

you'll have to reacquaint me at Beerfest, so many people tell you their nic names at events like those, you'd need to write them all down to remember who is who.

you are right though there are some very good palates in the club, only last meeting I had them work over my 2 strong scotch ales which both individually had their problems for different reasons, but blended to make a really good beer. It handn't particularly occurred to me to blend for some strange reason. Maybe I should ask Gordon Strong for a second opinion on the merits of blending :)


Will do Mr Jack!

Yes blending is an interesting idea - and one deserving of its own thread on this forum at some point. Not something I've tried but want to put it on my New Years Brewing Resolution list to dabble in.

Gordon's ideas on blending at ANHC really got me thinking hard about trying this too. Quite an novel thing to try - particularly when you get something that is missing that particular edge you're chasing, whether that's roast, hop or yeast character.

Forgot to mention Tao's mead was delicious, yummmmmmm
what a day, imperial stouts, export stouts, beire de garde, mead, & a few other strong beers that I cant remember right now, I was throwing Z's to the clouds at 9 o clock, I hardly ever go to bed before half eleven....ddddrrrrrrrruuuuunnnnkkkk
hey brew4u and tanga,

new home brew club at yarragon ale house first tuesday of the month



Yeah for sure Tanga.
Maybe as suggested i may have to put the feelers out for starting something like a club and get along to GR for the brewfest.

hey brew4u and tanga,

new home brew club at yarragon ale house first tuesday of the month



That's great news James! I look forward to hearing about your club, and hopefully making it out to one of your meetings sometime!


hey brew4u and tanga,

new home brew club at yarragon ale house first tuesday of the month


hi james,
I'd be interested.
I live in Traralgon so YAH isn't too far for me to travel.

I'm guessing the next meeting is 12th April.
What time??

Let me know if there is too (or if you start one up). My brother's living in the Gippsland (Noojee) and a little bit over the (lack of) social scene there. In those small towns you need to get out every now and then (at least I do when I'm living in the country).
I bet your brother plays the banjo.
hey brew4u and tanga,

new home brew club at yarragon ale house first tuesday of the month



Yeah this sounds good, thanks for the heads up.
I assume its of an evening? time? Wish it was mondays...day off
I dont finish work till 7ish , 1h 20m drive away. So not sure how often you would see me?
I could make it next month to but il be in sydney.. :(
Oh well, good to know there is something up and running in Gippsland.
next meeting should be 5th of april, start time round about 6.30, this month we went until about 10-10.30 probably would of been there a lot longer if we all had drivers! (which could change as if your from t'gon "michael aussie" you'll be driving right past my door!) as we got to taste some great beers

i've been to three meetings so far, first meeting was in october i think, a small by enthusiastic group turn up eager to learn and do more

chris who organizes it was hoping to have his BIAB set up finished to bring along next meeting and i was going to bring a keg along to show a couple of guys who only bottle, wether i'll have any beer left in kegs by then is another question,

hope a few more faces can show up



hi james,
I'd be interested.
I live in Traralgon so YAH isn't too far for me to travel.

I'm guessing the next meeting is 12th April.
What time??

hey beer4u, if you don't mind me asking were in gippsland are you? there might be another location to meet up if people are spread out all over the place if there interest,

i wish i had mondays off, and the rest of the week off too!

Yeah this sounds good, thanks for the heads up.
I assume its of an evening? time? Wish it was mondays...day off
I dont finish work till 7ish , 1h 20m drive away. So not sure how often you would see me?
I could make it next month to but il be in sydney.. :(
Oh well, good to know there is something up and running in Gippsland.
I'm over at Foster and would be keen to catch up with some fellow brewers.

Will try and head over to Yarragon for next meeting.

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