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bighanno said:
The sad thing in life.......................we all remember our regie number to the day we die!
Ain't that the truth
Can't remember the SLR # tho
Bit off thread...............
Pay book
Razor blades
Blah, Blah, so to bore the young ;-))
Couldn't agree with you more. I think it would be highly benificial for the LHBS to get involved with brewclubs/brewdays etc.
Having moved to Wagga from the 'shire' not so long ago, i have come to realize the importance of good help/support from a LHBS.
The HBS i used to go to was great. Repeat/any customers got a card which was stamped when you spend X amount. X amount of stamps got you $20 off your next purchase. Not to mention a whole bunch of freebies, just for me coming back. Advice was also another important freebie.
Tseay, good point about brewers becoming retailers, i think some retailing knowledge/experience is near a must. Although someone who is keen & willing to learn something, well.....
PP, good points also. Except about the stingy bit. True at the start, but now? :D
Cheers, Diffo
You were damn quick Goatherder! I thought I'd deleted that within 5 minutes! Anyway, the girls have insisted I publish their photo on AHB so am currently working out how to incorporate their photo into a brewing thread whilst staying at least a little serious! Stay tuned is all I can say!
Spot on the money with "Advice was also another important freebie"
As I've said elswhere, Manly and Nambour QLD were excellent with help and advice.
diffo said:
Tseay, good point about brewers becoming retailers, i think some retailing knowledge/experience is near a must. Although someone who is keen & willing to learn something, well.....
, Diffo
This a bit like a double edged sword, need some knowledge on homebrewing olso

PistolPatch said:
You were damn quick Goatherder! I thought I'd deleted that within 5 minutes! Anyway, the girls have insisted I publish their photo on AHB so am currently working out how to incorporate their photo into a brewing thread whilst staying at least a little serious! Stay tuned is all I can say!
OK I'm tuned, this thread will do won't it :D :blink: :p
normell said:
diffo said:
Tseay, good point about brewers becoming retailers, i think some retailing knowledge/experience is near a must. Although someone who is keen & willing to learn something, well.....
, Diffo
This a bit like a double edged sword, need some knowledge on homebrewing olso


Too right Normell,
Maybe my wording could have been a litttle different there.
Your self-censhorship is admirable and I congratulate you for it, on behalf of all AHB.

:beer: :beer: :beer:

Don't think I do that self-control thing often enough.

Uncle Seth out :p
Join the club! I was just re-reading mine! I have an excuse but first...

When I mentioned that there are some stingy people about, I was thinking of an HBS guy I met in Perth. We got talking and he told me of some guy who came in, questioned him for 30 minutes on some bit of equipment and then said, "Hey, I can build that at home!" Poor bugger.

Now the reason my post #15 here was so long was that I had done a dry run on some of the AG process and at the time had 2 visitors, one who asked within 5 minutes, "How do you make beer?" What a girl!

So I proceeded to have a beer and explain the brewing process. They were not good listeners. Here's a very low quality pic of them watching Oprah half-way through my 5 hour lecture...


(There's the pic Normell!)

I tried to enlist them as brewing assistants but it took 2 hours just to train them to say, "Awesome," in unison from the couch in response to interesting comments I would make like, "Hey! It just dropped 5 degreed in 5 minutes!"

So, after all that I was a little tired and possibly wobbly.

Goatherder, they are absolutely useless brew assistants so yes, you can buy them!
Hmm... my LHBS...

Well, he's a great bloke- knows everything about beer. Knows absolutely nothing about anything else (one of my friends commented that he's terrible at small talk), but that doesn't bother me- I just go there to talk beer anyway.

He's provided me with great advice. I always shop there when the store is empty (I know the times), so he has a lot of time to devote to me (I'm selfish in that way). So I come in with a list of questions and he patiently goes through stuff I'm sure he has explained about 5000 times before- without it seeming to be a drag. I remember him explaining the idea behind racking, and how it seemed like it was the first time he'd said it- when rather he'd probably said it about 10 times that week.

He has a deal for us kit people- you buy a can, get a stamp, after so many stamps (can't remember the number) and you get a free can. You also go into a 'draw' of all people who have finished a card to win another can! So that's a good bonus he throws in.

Ultimately though he has a nice shop, he's a nice bloke, has good range (well, maybe his hops could do with a bit of boosting), and provides great advice. That's what I want, so I go there all the time.
These are the LHBS we should be supporting, lets name them so that they continue to do well!

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