Holy Crap High Og

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okay so yeserday i brewed up my wort.

i used 3kg wheat LME
1.1kg des
650g corn syrup
250 light DME

25g cascade 30 minute

made up to about 16-17 litres...

og was a massive 1.078 or there abouts..

anyone know what the final gravity may end up being. or what percentage it will be..

cheers snail
snail i just punched your recipe into beersmith and it's estimated OG is 1.095. that's a lot of sugars for such a small batch. water it down a bit more to bring your og down.
anyone know what the final gravity may end up being. or what percentage it will be..


depends a bit on the yeast you are using.

But ball park numbers - apparent attentuation (AA) will be about 72%, maybe a bit lower

Which gives you an F.G. of 21-22 (OG x AA).

That's an alcohol content ((OG-FG)/7.36) of about 7.6%, closer to 8% if you are bottling.

Do you know you can design beer to be a particular strength before you make them? Try downloading promash or beersmith or better still reading some of Palmer if you are interested.

Out of interest Mr Snail, what style of beer are you trying to produce?
I was thinking exactly the same thing!

Expect it to finish quite high... 1.020ish if the corn syrup is actually maltodextrin.

You might find that it's not quite bitter enough for that strength... A 60min bittering addition might be worthwile for next time.

keith im using K-97

NRB and Adam... im not tryin to replicate a certain beer style.. i just buy stuff and boil it up and see what happens...

i wanteed to make a wheat beer so i did..

im also going to dry hop it with fuggles

and im going to add some cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg into the fermenter for a few days..so yeah i hope it turns out alright and thanks for the replies.

and ill need to rack to secondary prior to bottling to clear it up also.. dont wont lil bits of hops in my beer..
ok so almost a week later, not a whole lot of bubbling going on, looks quite dark but in ydrometer test, it is a nice wheaty colour and gravity is down to 1.070... this might take a wlel
I assume your temp is in a recommended range? If so, it doesn't sound like the yeast is liking it too much - it might pay to introduce a smackpack/tube of high gravity yeast that won't get so stressed?
I assume your temp is in a recommended range? If so, it doesn't sound like the yeast is liking it too much - it might pay to introduce a smackpack/tube of high gravity yeast that won't get so stressed?

yeah man in darwin at the moment the mercury is hovering around 20C so its good time for brewing
1.020 - Wow! That's not bad going. Already around 73% attenuation and so much corn syrup.. And if the original gravity was actually 1.095 like someone suggested, then the attenuation is closer to 79%.

Is the wort still cloudy? That yeast has a reputation for drying things out eventually.
1.020 - Wow! That's not bad going. Already around 73% attenuation and so much corn syrup.. And if the original gravity was actually 1.095 like someone suggested, then the attenuation is closer to 79%.

Is the wort still cloudy? That yeast has a reputation for drying things out eventually.

well a few days ago there was bits everywhere in the test tube but when i poured today it was really clear no bits of hop at all but its a bit cloudy still but ill leave it for a bit longer to clear up then rack to 2nd and i am gonna filter this as well so its nice and clear..
tested it today and its 1.020 or around that so its ready to bottle, also the water in the airlock had been sucked back in which i think is a good indication the brew is done.

will bottle tomoro, it has cleared up nicely
I don't know what happened but today I put down the following

Cooper's Sparkling Ale Kit
1.5kg Cooper's Pale Liquid Malt Extract
250g Dried Corn Syrup

Doesn't sound too heavy does it...

OG= 1.084 !!! :eek:
I don't know what happened but today I put down the following

Cooper's Sparkling Ale Kit
1.5kg Cooper's Pale Liquid Malt Extract
250g Dried Corn Syrup

Doesn't sound too heavy does it...

OG= 1.084 !!! :eek:
Crickey! Was that up to 23L though?
Did you pour off a sample via the tap in the fermenter?

Often a big glob of gloop can get in there, which all comes out when you open the tap, and gives a stupidly high reading, like yours.

Don't stress, the true gravity would be in the 1.040-50 range.
Did you pour off a sample via the tap in the fermenter?

Often a big glob of gloop can get in there, which all comes out when you open the tap, and gives a stupidly high reading, like yours.

Don't stress, the true gravity would be in the 1.040-50 range.

Ah, that probably explains it.

Thanks for the responses!

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