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Hi all,

I'd just like to say a quick hello to everyone.

I have done some all grain beers in the past but I've taken a break for the last 2 years. Now I'm ready to get back into it and I thought I'd connect with the community.


Haha, cheers. I live in Farmborough Heights, just outside of Wollongong
865 said:
Haha, cheers. I live in Farmborough Heights, just outside of Wollongong
[SIZE=11pt]I hear tell that Wollongong is where the worst Chapter of the Illawarra Brewers Union is based?[/SIZE]
Didn't know there was a club down here. Last year I went to the Inner City Brewers (in Sydney) meetups for about 6 months running and it was great, but I was looking for something more local...
A lot of IBU brew club members live in Wollongong. It’s a shame you didn’t post this last week as there was a club gathering for big brew day last Saturday.

Club specific discussions are no longer allowed on the public forum and should be kept in the brew club section, so to avoid causing any upset here if you would like to connect with the local IBU brewing community send me a PM and I can give you more details.
Thanks for all the welcomes.

I thought I'd share what my brewing experience has been so far.

10 or so years ago, I used the kits with an adjunct (and no temperature control with fermentation) and had mixed results. Always found that the darker beers were better, perhaps because they hid some of the astringency. Stopped brewing when I couldn't get make better beer than what I was getting and stopped for a couple of years.

5 years ago, I decided to get into all grain with temperature controlled fermentation and straight away had an improvement in quality and taste. I did about 15 brews ranging from hefeweizen to ipa to saison (saison was without any cooling temp control). I even made some strong Belgian ales around the 10% mark that came out really good, which my wife and I gave as gifts to guests at our wedding. I did a dark Belgian and a pale Belgian and we did a side-by side comparison with Rochefort 10 and Westmalle to get an idea of how well I hit the style.

After a while, I got tired of the effort required for all grain batches as I was doing a lot manually (mashing in a cooler) and I couldn't reproduce something closely enough from batch-to-batch, nor was I getting great efficiency (55-65% or so sometimes). So for the last couple of years I've been saving my pennies and I'm going down the electric brewery route. Control panel is done and I'm at the point where I'm buying the rest of the gear (kettles, taps, etc).

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