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My dad was doing HB in the late 60's early 70,s in Qld when it was illeagal, its his fault!

Hi all. ive been HB for the last 20 years with varing degrees of sucess. My most consistant (best) results were in Brisvegas fermenting Beeermakers XXX and then bottling. I later moved to Townsville and started kegging with very poor results. On a coupple of occasions i produced great beers, but couldn't reproduce them.

I want to get back into HB and fix what ever I was doing wrong.

Welcome mick

Mate....... ask lots of questions and lots of fine people will help solve your problems!

We will have you All Grain brewing premium beers in no time.


Edit: Put your location in your profile and people local to you may be able to drop round for a beer and help out
The Guru and the Cellarman (the real Guru) are in Townsville. :beer:
Welcome Mick
All I can tell you is you have found the right place read,enjoy thats what we are all here for

advice.... u havw come to the rifgt plase...
lrry i verry drukk

Czech the articles section.
And ask question.....
welcome, mate,
my first suggestion wold be to read all the wikis and stickys. Great place to start, and all general q's answered. Then start reading through the posts, and asking q's yourself. No q to hard on here, someone is bound to know the answer. ;)

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