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Hey everyone, im from sydney and just started brewing again.

Tried brewing about 6 years ago and failed the first 2 (they were infected). Gave up for a while.

Got an extract kit going as we speak. No infections 2 weeks into fermentation (cross fingers). I'm trying to get a grip on the info overload here as I've only done starter kits by the book so to speak. Really looking forward to beefing up extract kits, and then eventually going AG.
That's the spirit!! Read, read and read some more mate!! Hopefully the wikki's will be up again soon, loads of great information in there.

Hope it turns out a cracker!!
Hehe! Fresh meat to be drawn-in & turned to the dark side (AG).

Yob said:
That's the spirit!! Read, read and read some more mate!! Hopefully the wikki's will be up again soon, loads of great information in there.

Hope it turns out a cracker!!
Wot he said. Read, read, read, experiment heaps, don't get turned-off by an occasional failure (**** happens) & learn from what you taste (after-all, it's all about what YOU like to drink).

Happy brewing!
thanks a lot for the encouragement Yob & MartinOC. see you on the boards with a ton of questions! unfortunately i like to drink stuff that isn't beginner material but i wouldnt pass up a basic brew anyway!
Never give up!!!l
Pay more attention when you clean and sanitize....and everything that comes in contact with the beer must be cleaned and sanitized.
for the rest enjoy the beer!

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