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paullys brew

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Im brand new to brewing & was just given a coopers kit. After replacing the O ring & grommet, a good wash with Napisan & a sanitize with bleach & then soduim met. & a damn good rinsing, I am now under way with my 1st Brew ( a Coopers Cervesa).

It is bubbling away happily in the garage. I have it sitting in one of those big plastic storage tubs,with a few frozen PET bottles, & a wet towel. Temp is sitting on a constant 24C. Will this be ok???

Also can anyone give me any advice on Finnings??. when to add etc. Is there a way I can add it when mixing a brew rather than towards the end as Im too scared 2 open the fermenter, incase of infection??

Any advice would be appreciated
RAHAHB (relax and have a home brew)

As you will be doing this soon.

In regard to finings, they should be added when you are cooking the beer. No problem if you didn't do this, because the sediment will settle with time.

Finings are a product that helps to rid your beer of cloudiness. When your beer is in the bottle and allowed to sit, the particles that cause this the cloudiness will settle to the bottom.

So, when you pour your beer, try not to disturb the sediment.

All is good

Welcome to the forum Paully. 24degs is OK, but 18-20 is considered the optimum temp for brewing ale beer. Have a search of the forum for 'cooling'. A lot of people use old fridges with digital controllers, but you can get the temp down by siting the fermentor in a bath tub with ice blocks, or hanging a wet towel over it. But as I say, don't stress too much.

I've never added any finings to a kit beer, what did you have in mind (or been told) ?

The sites got a lot of information, the search engine is not the best so "keyword" into google can yield more relevant results.
Check out the 'Articles' as well, some good information in there.

Happy Brewing !
Thanx 4 your help Mika. I didnt really have anthing in mind with finnings was thinking of adding it but would rather get a few brews behind me to learn what Im doing b4 I start playing around too much. I dont mind waiting for it to settle anway.

So much to learn!!!

Thanx once again for your help & I'll check out that info..

CHEERS!!! :beerbang: :beerbang:

Get to know your local Home brew Shop guy
You should also check out this fantastic book by John Palmer called HOW TO BREW.
Some of it is online at:
Look out for cheaper gear and equipment on this site or ebay

I'd say you're doing really well for a first time brew!
Put the fermenter and the pet bottles in a big cardboard box, mine had nylex hoses in it at bunnings.
And rather than a wet towel, wrap an old (dry) doona, from the op shop maybe, around it.
That will reduce the volume you are trying to keep cool.

Paully, don't go putting any faith in the stick-on thermometer provided. They are okay, but can be a few degree's out.
A cheap digital thermometer(Something like this one:Link , $17) will be accurate enough.
It has a probe on a lead, hold the probe between the fermenter body and a block of foam(as insulation from ambient temps) with some tape.
Even has an alarm if the temp is above/below your specified temp.

braufrau's cardboard box is actually a great idea, not only for the point she mentioned(reduced volume), but corrugated cardboard is actually a reasonable insulator. If you can find some polystyrene foam(try the local green-grocer!) you can lag the inside of the box.

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