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got a real urgent one here...I've tried to wake up a Whitelabs Burton to no avail. Use by date is Aug 16, so I used a pint starter but after a good 12 hours still no activity. I really want to brew tonight but I've only got two packets of coopers dried yeast and 3 packets of cascade dried yeast. I'm making a partial porter and I'm thinking of chucking in all 3 packets of cascade. This a bad move? Should I wait for the Burton if she's a bit sluggish? Tommorow's Sunday and nearest HBS is bloody miles away and I've got no car until Monday. Any advice is good!
Making up a starter can definitely take longer than 12 hours. It depends on how easy it is for you to brew tomorrow/later. If you can't, then make it up with a couple of packets of dried (no need for three, but probably no harm if you do use them). If you can stand to wait for the Burton to wake up, that will make a nice porter.

BTW, a pint is probably too small a starter from a whitelabs tube. 1-2 litres is a better size really.
I actually split the tube into 2 jars and added a pint apiece, but usually with a starter I notice some kind of activity after 8 hours, at least some kind of fizzing (I usually use Whitelabs Irish Ale) but the two jars are like mill activity at all. The temp of the room is 21 deg constantly and I've been swirling the jars from time to time, but the little buggers just won't stir.
Can you give them a good shake to aerate a bit? If you get lots of froth at the top, you're in business.
I'd give the starter until tomrrow night before getting too upset, if you have put a small amount of yeast into a 1L starter its going to take some time. As long as you sanitise everything your brew should be good to sit in the fermenter until the starter fires up. If not then throw in the dry stuff :)
Righto...I think the one with the most yeast is starting to go (had a bit of froth too). I think I'll go ahead and make the porter...By the time I've finished and the wort is cool enough for pitching it should be about 6 am and I reckon the Burton should have sorted itself out by then (Hopefully!)
Although not the best idea, if it is only showing slight signs of life, tossing it in won't be the end of the world.

I have done a very silly thing out of desperation before...let the dregs of a Cooper's Aussie Pale Ale come up to room temp and then poured directly into the wort and guess what? It worked :chug: (took over 24 hours to noticably get going)

Won't be doing it again though (at least not if I don't have to :) ).


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