Help tweaking recipe

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Hi All,

I am trying to sharpen up my bishops finger clone.
here is the recipe

3.6 British Maris Otter Pale Malt
300g 77L British Crystal Malt
350. British Torrified Wheat

120g British Amber Malt

30g (1 oz.) Brewer's Gold/Northdown/Challenger : Boil 60 minutes

30grams. Kent Goldings : Add to boil for the final 15 minutes
30grams Fuggle : Add to boil for the final 1 minute

1 Whirlfloc tab in last 15 minutes of boil

safale s04

Bitterness is ok so is colour

what I am looking for is a more sweater flavor kind of a toffee / fairy floss flavor from the malt and more of a spice flavor from the hops.

what should bits should I tweak?
Mash on the high side say up around 68C. Steep the crystal instead of adding it to the mash and add the steeped liquid to the kettle right at the end of the boil so the crystal holds it's flavour profile - toffee like- rather than get boiled out, Can't help with the hops.
