Help...scrubbed stainless with steel wool

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As per topic title, I used steel wool to clean the mung out of a couple of corny keg posts, plus the connections on the keg, which I have since learnt is not a good idea due to iron particles embedding and potentially rusting.

I've hit everything that I scrubbed with a spray of triple strength starsan and left to dry, hoping this will re-passivate the metal. Is there anything else that I could/should be doing?

I've heard something about oxalic acid for that, maybe.

But i'd stress i'm quoting something i know nothing about. However, it gives you something to look-up while waiting for someone with a clue to respond :p
I scrub my stainless steal kitchen pots with steel wool occasionally, they have rusted at all. I wouldn't worry.
Was it stainless steel wool or just steel wool? If steel wool a bit of neat starsan or barkeepers friend wiped over it would prob be enough.
Thanks guys, hopefully the starsan did the trick, but may invest in in some oxalic acid based stainless cleaner and hit it with that at the first sign of rust.
Yeh man I use St Steel wool to scrub my St steel boiler. It hasn't rusted. So it seems to be ok?
The main issue with stainless comes from excessive heat eg, welding, which bleeds the molecules apart from the alloy separating iron from chromium and copper and all the other ****.
If you want to reprime the stainless finish to prevent rusting you can use dilute phosphoric acid such as the type you can buy for acidifying the mash water.
Just wipe it on the rusted part, leave it to eat in to the Stainless then wash it off. It removes the iron particles and leaves the chrome particles, which revives the stainless finish. Or so Ive read.
Oxalic based cleaner can be found at Pots Avenue surprisingly.. i was walking past one day and they had Bar Keepers Friend in there. I just went to bunnings and got the Diggers Rust Cleaner and wash down with that. Its Oxalic based as well.. and cheaper per kg i believe.