Help Needed, What Can I Brew With These?

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Good afternoon guys,

I need to clear out my malts this week and brew a mini mash, I have

1kg pilsner
500gr pale
500gr crystal
500gr munich
500gr dme
60grs challenger
12grs goldings
and for yeasts

liquid pale ale
liquid english
liquid pilsner

Can anyone suggest a brew out of these???

Thanks in advance

Well, yeah, I think that all the grains for the minimash plus the dme in a boil. But I think you will be at least 500 g short of extract. For that (large) amount of crystal, you need to be aiming for about a 22 L batch. You also want to aim for a gravity of 1055 to 160 I'd think, so I might even be underestimating the amount of extra dme you need. For that approach you'll also want to use the Challenger for bittering to about 40 IBUs and all the Goldings at the end or as a dry hops. Then use the English liquid yeast. You'll have a pretty good English pale ale then.

Another approach would be to hold back some of the crystal and beg, borrow or steal 120g of chocolate malt and no added dry malt, 20 IBUS same yeast, for a mild style -- just keep the OG under 1040.

There are two suggestions. You'll have to tweak the details in a recipe program though.
Thanks for the reply,

It does't matter if I don't use all the grains in one hit, or if I make it up smaller than 22lt.

I was thinking

1.5 pilsner
200gr crystal
200gr pale
make up to 19lts
all the challenger
the goldings at the end???

sounds like beer to me!!

anyone know what this would end up like? Colour, stlye etc??
You need to get yourself some brewing software and take a crash course in using it. I use Brewsta. Offhand I couldn't get a quick feel for your suggested recipe, except it didn't look liek enough fermentables. When I plugged it into Brewsta, took all of 2 minutes, I get an OG of 1034 (very low) and about 62 IBUs (very high for such a low gravity; assuming you add them all for 60 minutes). Yeah, it would look like beer, but it might suck your face through the other side of your head. The color would be very pale. The style, extremely bitter pale mild?? I dunno. It is way out of any style I can think of. You could get the bitterness down a lot by adding the Challenger in stages, e.g., half for 60 min, 1/4 for 20 minutes, 1/4 for 5 minutes, then the goldings at flame out.

Going back to my original suggestion, which would have used up all your malt, which is what your first post suggested was your aim ("I need to clear out my malts"), plus another 0.5 kg of dry malt, you would get an OG of 1058, which is much more like it for that much bittering. I'd still break the Challenger into two additions.

If getting more malt is not an option, then leave out the extra 0.5 kg of malt, and use all your malt, all of it (you'll get a OG of 1048 for 19L), and use the hops as I just suggested 1/2, 1/4, 1/4 (38 IBUs). That will be a much more balanced and quite malty pale ale.

And remember my first tip: get Brewsta!
thanks steve,

ill get brewster, i need it for mac though..

i'll do the brew as first suggested leaving out the dme, up to 22lt and add the challenger in stages.


If you leave out the extra dme and go up to 22L the gravity will be even lower, but you may be after that .. I have already closed Brewsta but I guess it would be low 1040s.

Brewsta on the Mac is not straightforward. There is a way to do it, but I don7t really understand. Look at the siet carefull and you may work it out. And contact Paul Sorenson, the writer, if you have any trouble. I'm sure he'll help out if he can.

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