Help Me Create A Moo Brew Pale Ale Extract Recipe

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I absolutely love Moo Brew beers. Their pale ale to me is more malty than it is hoppy. I have yet to taste another beer with such beautiful caramel and malt notes like Moo Brew's. They call it a pale ale, but to me the only thing pale ale like about it is the aroma which smells of cascade.

To quote their site:

Our Pale Ale uses Centennial and Cascade Hops

Traditional Pale Ale styles are fused together to give a pungent floral and citrus aroma, with a complex malt palate and pleasant bitterness.

So it sounds like the hops are being used in such a way that Centennial is for bitterness and Cascade for aroma (based on their small description). I am sadly not the worlds best brewer, but I would love to come up with a recipe or work with an existing recipe that would achieve a similar beer style.

Where do I begin?
Quality pale extract like briess or weyerman. Steeped crystal malt. I can try and find out which one and what perentage if you like.
Yeast likely standard, easily available like 05.
Developed quite a taste for that ale last time we were in Tassie. I went on and on about it. And on. Haven't been able to dig up much about brewing a clone though.
I'm tipping even if you had the ingredients weights and measures down to the gram, the tricks lie in the the process. Somewhere between grinding the malt and kegging I suspect.
Thus far my petitioning of the brewery via e mail and phone calls has only generated a kind of nod and wink reply.
I suspect that manticle is alluding to the fact they may be an extract brewery?

The horror...
I have been experimenting in Brewer's Friend, can I get your thoughts on the following guys?

Batch size: 19.5l
Est boil size: 11.5l

OG: 1.046
FG: 1.009
ABV: 4.90%
IBU: 33.15
SRM: 7.37

1.5kg Light LME (one tin)
1.5kg Amber LME (one tin)
300g steeped Caramel/Crystal 10l
Safalue US-5

30g Centennial thrown in at start of boil (30.33 IBU's)
20g Cascade thrown in 5 minutes before flameout (2.82 IBU's)
Yob said:
I suspect that manticle is alluding to the fact they may be an extract brewery?
The horror...
No, they are a grain based brewery beyond doubt.
OP was asking about extract though.
I've got an ingredients list somewhere they gave years ago I could try and dig up, was grain based but it will give you an idea.
wambesi said:
I've got an ingredients list somewhere they gave years ago I could try and dig up, was grain based but it will give you an idea.
Wow, for real? They gave you a list a few years back? I guess they were a bit smaller then perhaps. That would be awesome.
manticle said:
No, they are a grain based brewery beyond doubt.
OP was asking about extract though.
My bad, was confused to day the least, none of the moo's I've tried have tasted like extracts...
Still messing about in Brewer's Friend. Based on what limited info I have dug up on the Pale Ale, here is what I currently have. Would love everyone's thoughts on what I have come up with. Not sure about the 250g DME inclusion, but I figured the third inclusion would bump up the layered malts a little more, just don't want to make it too sweet. Colour comes out similar to Moo Brew's, IBU's pretty much spot on, ABV is spot on with Moo Brew's as well.

Boil time: 60 mins
Batch size: 21.5l
Boil size: 13l

OG: 1.046
FG: 1.009
ABV: 4.91%
IBU: 35.17
SRM: 8.76

1.5kg Light LME (42.3%)
1.5kg Amber LME (42.3%)
250g Light DME (7%)

300g Caramel/Crystal 40L

35g Centennial hops thrown in at start of boil (32.57 IBU's)
20g Cascade thrown in 5 minutes before flameout (2.6 IBU's)

2g Irish Moss (fining) @ 40 minutes

Safale US-05 yeast.

Here is a second one I am messing about with which is sort of similar to my initial thinking, except I've added in some dextrine malt and not used any dry malt additions:

Batch size: 20L
Boil Size: 11.5L
Boil Gravity: 1.080

OG: 1.046
FG: 1.009
ABV: 4.9%
IBU: 36.59
SRM: 7.64

1.5kg Amber LME
1.5kg Light LME

225g Caramel/Crystal 20L
225g Dextrine Malt

35g Centennial start of boil
20g Cascade fives minutes before flameoute

2g Irish Moss @ 15 minutes
Going to try out my recipe sometime this week. After some tweaking with the numbers, I am going to attempt the following brew:

Original Gravity: 1.049
Batch size: 23 liters
Boil size: 11.5 liters

Final Gravity: 1.012
ABV: 4.91%
IBU (tinseth): 37.47
SRM (morey): 9.36

1.5kg Light LME
1.5kg Amber LME
250g Light DME
200g Maltodextrin
140g Dextrose (for priming)
450g Caramel/Crystal 40L (steeped)

45g Centennial (start of boil) 32.24 IBU's
15g Cascade @ 15 minutes 3.73 IBU's
15g Cascade @ 5 minutes 1.50 IBU's

1/2 teaspoon Irish Moss @ 15 minutes
Safale US-05 yeast

Will this turn out anything like a Moo Brew Pale Ale? Who knows, but I think it should be a tasty drop regardless. The numbers in Brewer's Friend seem to add up, but we'll see. Once I get it down, I'll be doing a write up on it. Definitely keen to iterate and refine this recipe.
Digitalsea said:
Wow, for real? They gave you a list a few years back? I guess they were a bit smaller then perhaps. That would be awesome.
Apologies for the delay. Here's the ingredients list they gave me. Didn't give me percentages or timings but it's a typical APA so not hard to recreate :)

Ale Malt (didn't specify)
Wheat malt

Centennial for bitterness
Cascade for aroma.

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