Help Chocolate Lme Needed

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G'day Brewers,

I'm having trouble tracking down 2kg of chocolate LME. I have recently found out that Morgan's deleted their Choc LME from their Master Blend range. If anyone knows where I can get two 1kg cans of the Morgans Choc LME or a suitable substitute please respond to this thread.

I really want to brew a chocky porter for winter, and now might have to rethink my recipe

Cheers and happy brewing,
Its been a couple of years since Morgans deleted it so I don't think you're likely to find any. I'm not aware of any other makers. It was made from choc malt and munich so as a substitute you could steep some choc malt and caramunich.
I'd get hold of either some choc chit malt or JW Chocolate pale malt and steep these.

It was the first addition I made to kit brewing over 10 years ago, and my stouts, even from kits, have always been pretty good.

A little bit of research and you may even end up on the way to AG brewing, or not. But steeping grains and learning how is something every kit and extract brewer should know, as it does increase some of the flexibility a brewer has.

Try some cherries in a jar (ALDI has them and they're fantastic) or maybe some cocoa.

I'm going to do Duff Street Darkie and I may do a half batch with coconut on top of cherry.


They stopped making Choc Chit malt too. May have problems getting some of that now and it will be quite old.

Check CB above sponsor to find something suitable sure be able to get something.

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